Wearing high heels can make you stand so that your legs looks slimmer, your stomach is flatter, and your femininity is unstoppable. It can also do wonders for your stride, but walking in high heels is not a natural talent--it's learned skill, perfected by practice and discipline.
- Start with small heels. If you've never walked in heels, you should start small and work your way up. There are many heels to choose from, varying in height, thickness and shape.
- If you are just beginning, then you should probably start off with kitten heels before you begin to strut in those spiky, 4-inch tall shoes.
- Move up to high wedge heels, where the heel is fully attached to the sole of the shoe, giving you increased balance and comfort while still allowing you to get used to having the heel of your foot placed high above the level of your toes.
- Dare to wear high stiletto heels (also known as spike heels) when you are an expert.
- Match your heels to the occasion. Don't torture yourself. Your heels won't look so glamorous if you're wearing a grimace of pain on your face. Will you be walking or standing for long periods of time? Or are you going to a dinner party where you'll be sitting for most of the evening? The more you'll be standing and walking, the shorter your heel should be.
- Test the heels before you buy them. Stand in your shoes on a hard floor with your knees straight, and see if you can raise yourself on your toes at least an inch. If you can't, the heels are too high, and you shouldn't wear them. If you try to wear heels this tall, you'll end up walking with your knees bent forward, and that's a good way to get very sore, not to mention looking rather daft.

Heel first, toes second
Take baby steps. Take small, slow steps, making sure not to bend your knees any more than you normally would. Put your heel down first, then your toes (don't plop them down at the same time, and don't put your toes down first). For extra balance, put one foot about a foot directly ahead of the other. - You'll notice that heels tend to shorten your stride a bit. The taller the heel, the shorter the stride ends up being.
- Walking in heels will also give your hips a side-to-side sway. This cannot and should not be avoided; when worked correctly, it grants a graceful, womanly stride.
- Practice. Wear your heels for a day around the house before you wear them out. This will not only allow you to get used to wearing them, but it will also "break in" your shoes. Make sure you practice doing all the things you would normally do while walking, such as:
- Change direction. Walk, stop, pivot or turn around, and walk some more.
- Expose your heels to different surfaces. You will likely need to walk on both floors and carpets, and you may one day be expected to walk on a slippery, wooden floor so that you can...
- Dance. If you're planning on wearing your heels to a nightclub or a party where you know you're going to want to boogie down, then dance to the beat of your own drummer in the privacy of your home until your comfortable shaking things up in your heels.
- Don't forget about stairs. Place your entire foot on each step as you come down the steps, but only place the ball of your foot on each step as you go up. Hold onto that railing gracefully, just in case.
- If your shoes have straps, make sure they're on tightly before you start walking.
- If you're going out, wear heels an inch or two higher than the ones you will be wearing for about an hour before you go. When you put your "going out heels" on, they will feel great in comparison.
- Take a break. Every hour or two, excuse yourself and give you feet a chance to unwind. If you're in the bathroom, sit down, take off those heels, and give your feet a massage. Take a few steps with your shoes off. Then slip those heels back on and show 'em what you've got!
- Walk carefully. Grass, cobblestones, and grates or drains are your enemy. Even a crack on the sidewalk can bring you down if it swallows the tip of your heel. Watch your step and don't even think about power walking or jogging with those heels on.
- Always make sure you get well-fitting shoes. Ill-fitting shoes can cause serious long term damage to your feet.
- No matter how nice your heels are, don't wear them all the time. Wearing heels too often can result in poor foot health.
- Walking in heels indoors is very different to walking in them outdoors. Without the soft cushioning of carpet, or the flat even indoor surface of lino or wood, walking in heels can be ten times as difficult. Even minor surface flaws in tarmac will present difficulties, so try walking up and down outside your house a few times.