UP Higher Judicial Service -2007


Direct Recruitment to the Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service- 2007

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for direct recruitment to 82 vacancies in the Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service (UP HJS), in the pay scale of Rs.16,750-400-19,150-450-20,500 with other admissible allowances. Out of this 41 vacancies are for General candidates, 17 vacancies are reserved for SC candidates, 2 vacancies for ST candidates, 22 vacancies for OBC. There shall be 20% horizontal reservation for women subject to their suitability, in accordance with the Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service Rules, 1975. The recruitment will be based on a written examination followed by an interview. The candidates will be called for interview on the basis of marks secured in the written examination. The written examination will be held on 22, 23 and 24 June 2007. Dates of examination can be changed, if necessitated.

Eligibility of candidate :

  1. The applicant must be an Advocate of not less than 7 years standing on 1.1.2008.
  2. The applicant must have attained the age of 35 years and must not have attained the age of 45 years on the 1st day of January 2008. Provided that the upper age limit shall be higher by three years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and such other categories as may be notified by the Government from time to time.

Application Form : Application forms containing detailed instructions can be obtained on any working day during office hours from the Counter in the office of Registrar General, High Court, Allahabad, on payment of Rs.100/- in Cash or by Demand Draft in favour of Registrar General, High Court, Allahabad, payable at State Bank of India, High Court Branch, Allahabad. Application form and other instructions are also available on the website of Allahabad High Court which can be downloaded and used for submitting the application form along with required application form fee of Rs.100/- and examination fee of Rs. 750/-(Rs. 500/- in case of candidates in Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe category).

Last Date : The last date for submission of duly completed application form is 30/04/2007

The complete advertisement is available at http://www.allahabadhighcourt.in/event/HJSRecruitmentAdv_31-03-07.pdf and Application Form is available at http://www.allahabadhighcourt.in/event/HJSRecruitment_31-03-07.pdf
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