Job vacancy in MP Agriculture Department Sep09

Published by Manisha for
Directorate Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development
Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal

The Government of MP, Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development, invites applications for the following posts in the project ATMA :
  1. Consultant (Finance) : 01 post, Consolidated Remuneration :  Rs.20000
  2. Sr.Technical Consultant : 04 posts, Consolidated Remuneration : Rs.12000
  3. Consultant technical:  50 posts, Consolidate Remuneration : Rs. 15000
  4. Technical Assistants : 150 posts, Consolidated Remuneration : Rs. 8000

How to Apply : Application on the prescribed format should be sent to the Managing Director, MP Consultancy Organisation Limited, Gangotri Bhawan, T.T. Nagar, Bhopal - 462003 (MP)  on or before 09/10/2009. (09/10/2009 is the last date not 30/09/09)

Please view for details and application format.

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