Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat
Institute of Polytechnic
Applications on prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts :
- Head of the Departments : 05 posts (One in each trade Computer Engineering, Fashion Technology, Architecture, Assistantship, Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Sr. Lecturer : 06 posts (One in each Trade of Computer Engineering, Fashion Technology, Architecture, Assistantship, Information Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Lecturer : 18 psots (Computer Engineering-3, Fashion Technology-4, Architecture Assistantship-4, Information Technology-3, Medical Laboratory-2, Physics-1, Chemistry-1)
- Grant-in-Aid : Lecturer : 04 posts (Electronics & Communication Engineering-2, Office Management & Computer Application-1 (Typing and Shorthand), English-1)
How to Apply : Filled applications with a DD of Rs.250/- (Rs.70/- for SC/ST) in favour of Principal, BPS Institute of Polytechnic, Khanpur Kalan, Payable at Khanpur Kalan should reach the office of Principal, BPSMV, Institute of Polytechnic, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat - 131305 by 13/02/2009.
Please visit for details an application form.
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