Vacancy at IIT Roorkee

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee
Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand)

Advertisement No.IITR/Estt(B)/E-2273/6203

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee invites applications on the prescribed form for the following posts as per the details given against each. The form may be obtained from Supdt., Estt.’B’ Section, IIT Roorkee by sending a request with a self addressed envelope 9”x4” duly affixed with stamps worth Rs.5/- or the form may be downloaded from the IIT’s Website.
  1. Jr. Supdt. (Legal) : 01 post (Unreserved ), Pay Scale : Rs. 5500-9000
  2. Jr. Engineer (Horticulture) (On Contract) : 01 post (OBC) , Duration : 03 years, Fixed emoluments : Rs.10000/- per month (consolidated)
  3. Jr. Engineer (Civil) (On Contract) : 01 post (OBC), Fixed emoluments : Rs.10000/- per month (consolidated)
  4. Jr. Lab. Asstt. : 01 post (ST) (On Contract), Duration : 03 years, Fixed emoluments : Rs.
    6000/- per month (consolidated)
  5. Jr. Attdt. (Female Aya) Semi-skilled : 01 (SC) (Visually Handicapped), Pay : Rs. 2650-4000

The posts at Sl.No. 2, 3 & 4 are on contract basis for the period mentioned against each, and therefore the applications for these posts may be submitted on plain paper giving the information (Sl. No. & Name of Post applied for, Name of Applicant, Name of Father/Husband, Mailing & Permanent Address, Date of Birth, Category - SC/ST/OBC, Educational Qualifications, Experience, Physically Handicapped Status and other particulars, if any) with attested copies of certificates/degrees/marksheets, as applicable for each post.

How to Apply : The last date for submission of duly completed applications alongwith attested copy of certificates in the Institute will be 30 days from the date of publication.

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