Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram – 695033
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) a scientific society of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India. CDAC Thiruvananthapuram
requires following personnel for time bound Design and Development projects.:
- Junior Research Fellow ( JRF Mechanical) : First class BE / B.Tech. in Mechanical Engg., Remuneration : Rs. 9,000/- in the first year, Rs.12,000/- in the second year and
Rs. 14000/- in subsequent years. Loyalty incentive @ Rs25000/- on completion of 14th
month and on completion of 18th month., Processing Fee : processing fee of Rs.100/- (SC/ ST exempted) by Demand Draft drawn in favour of C-DAC,Thiruvananthapuram. - Contract Project Technical Assistant (CPTA Electrical) : First class Diploma (3 year course) in Electrical Engineering (1 year experience in wiring of panels and integration of Power Electronic Circuits, Assembling and Testing of basic analog and digital circuits, Assembling of DIP and SMD components on multiplayer PCBs preferred), Remuneration :
Rs.5100/- per month. - Contract Project Technical Assistant (CPTA Electronics) : First class Diploma (3 year course) in Electronics Engineering (1 year experience preferred), Remuneration : Rs.5100/- per month.
How to Apply : Apply in the prescribed format with copies of certificates and mark sheets, proof of experience and Demand Draft, if applicable so as to reach us on or before 20th February 2008 superscribing the envelope “Application for the post of …….”. Name of the applicant should be clearly written on the backside of the DD to the following address :
Administrative Officer (Recruitment)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC),
Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram – 695033
For more information please view http://www.cdactvm.in/JRF_CPTA_2008.pdf