Faculty Vacancy in Nagaland University

Nagaland University
(A Central University)
Lumani Camp, Kohima - 797001

Advertisement No. NU/ESTT/G-32/2008-4200

Applications are invited for following Faculty posts under Nagaland University, so as to reach, Nagaland University Kohima- 797001 on or before 28th February, 2008:
  1. Electornics & Communication : 01 post (Professor)
  2. Computer Science : 01 post (Professor)
  3. Information Technology : 01 post (Professor)
  4. Bio Technology : 01 post (Professor)
  5. Agricultural Technology : 03 posts (Professor-1 SC, Lecturer-2 (ST-1))
  6. Management : 01 post (Professor)

Application Fee : application fee of Rs. 200/- only in case of General and Rs. 150/- only in case of SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH/ ESM in the form of I.P.O. Bank draft or payment through the University cash counter in favour of the undersigned.

Application form can be obtained from the Deputy Registrar (A&E), Nagaland University, Kohima-797001, on demand with a stamped self addressed envelope.

How to Apply : Application on prescribed form along with the requisite Bank Draft/ IPO/ N.U. Challan (through the University cash counter) in favour of the Registrar, Nagaland University, Kohima must reach the office of the undersigned on or before 28th February, 2008.

Kindly visit http://nagaland.nic.in/citizenservices/Naga-Univrsty.htm. Details and application form may be available at this site.

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