Assistant Manager vacancy in CCIL

The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd (CCIL)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Kapas Bhavan, Plot No: 3/A, Sector 10, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai – 400614

The Cotton Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) invites application from young professional in discipline of :
  1. Assistant Manager (Marketing) : 05 posts, Qualification : Graduate from a recognized University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate. MBA (Marketing)/MBA (Agri. Business) degree from a recognized University/Institute with minimum 60% marks in aggregate. Minimum experience of one year in a reputed Manufacturing/Trading Organisation. , Age : Age not exceeding 27 years. Relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC., Pay Scale : Rs.10750-300-16750/- (IDA)
  2. Accounts Officer (Finance and Accounts) : 03 posts, Qualification : Graduate from a recognized university with 50% marks in aggregate. Pass in the final examination of C.A. or ICWA. Minimum experience of one year shall be applicable for CA/ICWA in a reputed Marketing/Trading Organisation., Age : Age not exceeding 27 years. Relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC., Pay Scale : Rs.10750-300-16750/- (IDA)

How to Apply : Eligible interested candidates may send their applications in the prescribed proforma which can be obtained by sending self addressed stamped envelope at the above address or can be downloaded from website. Application form duly filled in all respect should reach General Manager (HRD/Vig.) on or before 25/03/08 along with a Demand Draft of Rs.100/- payable to the Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Navi Mumbai. SC/ST candidates need not send DD.

Please view for details and application form.

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