Advertisement No. Estt. (A)/1459/A-86(8/2006)
The Institute invites applications from Indian Nationals who are exceptionally bright and motivated with an established record of high quality research and commitment to teaching, for various faculty positions in disciplines/specialization of interest to the Institute in its various Departments/Academic Centres.
Faculty positions and pay scales are as follows :
- Professor (Rs.18,400-500-22,4oo)
- Associate Professor (Rs. 16,400-450-20,000)
- Assistant Professor (Rs. 12,000-420-18,300) &
- *Lecturer (Rs.10,000-325-15,200)
*Lecturer is an ex-cadre position, appaintments far which will be made on contrad for a period not exceeding five years.
The details about the Qualifications & Experience and the requirements in terms of various areas of specializations etc., for the various Departments/Centres can be seen on our website or
Interested candidates may apply on the prescribed application farm which may be either downloaded from the website of the Institute or obtained from Superintendent, Establishment (A) Section, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667 by sending self addressed, stamped (Rs. 10/. or Rs. 27/- if required by registered post) envelope size 1 0'x4'.
The completed application should reach to Dy. Registrar (Admn.), IIT Roorkee, Roorkee- 247667 (Uttranchal), upto September 11,2006.