For latest Jobs by DSSSB, Kindly click on
Recruitment at Delhi Government (DSSSB)
Recruitment of Cadet Pilot in Air India

Air India limited invites applications from Engineering / Science graduates for the position of cadet pilots from Indian nationals (whereever domiciled).
- CASET PILOTS - 150 (SC-22, ST-11, OBC-40, GEN-77)
Interested candidates may refer to Air India website and Employment news dated 09/09/2006. Candidates meeting all the requirements mentioned therein will have to apply 0n-line at the Air India website.
Last date for receipt of applications is 2nd October, 2006.
Recruitment at IRCTC
IRCTC, a leading PSU under Ministry of Railways invites applicaiton for various posts to be filled on direct recruitment / deputation basis
Post to be filled on direct recruitment basis (33 posts):
- Dy. General Manager in various diciplines like Hospitality, HRD, Toursim and Quality Control.
- Manager (Finance)
Post to be filled on deputation basis (01 posts):
- Jt. General Manager (Civil)
Dy. General Manager (HRD)
Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd.
9th Floor, Bank of Baroda Building, 16, Parliament Street,
New Delhi - 110001
For further details please visit
Recruitment at NTPC Ltd.
- Safety Officers (E1 & E3/E4 Level) : E1 - 10 posts / E3/E4 - 5 posts
- Asst. Public Relation Officer (e1 Level) : 13 posts
- Asst. Hindi Officer (E1 Level) : 03 posts
- Law Officer (E2A/E3 Level) : 03 posts
- Hydro Engineering (E5/E6 levle) : 07 posts
- Hydro Project Execution (E3/E4/E5 level) : 10 posts
Pay Scale (IDA pattern) in NTPC (with competitive pay, perk and & benfits)
- E1: Rs. 10750-16750
- E2A: Rs.12000-17500
- E3: Rs.13750-18700
- E4: Rs. 16000-20800
- E5:Rs. 17500-22300
- E6:Rs. 18500-23900
How to apply:
Vacancies at Power Grid Corporation Of India
- Dy. Manager (PR) : E-4 Level : 01 post
- Dy. Manager (Electrical) : E-4 Level : 12 posts
- Sr. Engineer (Electrical) : E-3 Level : 13 posts
- Engineer (Electrical /E&T / Civil) : E-2A : 10 posts in each dicipline
- Asstt. Engineer : E-1 Level : Electrical - 20 posts / Civil - 10 posts / E&T - 10 posts
- Jr. Engineer (Civil) :S-3 Level : 10 posts
- Asstt. Engg. Trainee (IT) : E-1 Level : 10 posts
- Asstt. Public Relation Office (Trainee) : E-1 Level : 04 posts
The applicant must log on to for detailed advertisement relating to Qualification, Age, Post, Qualificaiton, Experience, Job Knowledge, specific Concession & Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PH/J&K domiciled category/Ex-Servicemen.
The company ffers and attractive compensation package with liberal benefits and allowances.
Application will be received through on-line system online.
- Start Date & Time for online submission : 02/09/2006 : 10.00 hrs
- Closing Date & Time for online submission: 10/09/2006 : 18.00 hrs
- Last date for receipt of "Resume" along with relevant documents by post : 20/09/2006
Direct Rrecruitment of Assistant Sub Iinspector Radio in BSF
(Communication Wing)
Applications are invited from male Indian citizens belonging to Gen, OBC, Schedule Caste , Schedule Tribes categories and Ex-Service man for the post of Assistant Sub Inspector (Radio Mechanic) in BSF Comn Set-up in the pay scale of Rs. 4000-100-6000. The post carries, in addition to pay, dearness allowance and other allowances, leave travel concession ,medical facility etc, as applicable to central Govt employees and rent free accommodation ,ration money or free ration as admissible to the members of the Force from time to time. New pension scheme as per Central Civil Services (extra ordinary pension) amendment rules 2003 will be applicable to the persons selected for appointment on the basis of above test.
- No of Posts : 32
- Date of commencement of recruitment- 25.09.2006
- Qualification: Matric with Diploma in Radio and TV Technology or Electronics or Telecommunication or
Computer or Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or Domestic appliances from any Institution recognised by the State Government or Central Government
10+2 or Intermediate or equivalent with aggregate marks of fifty percent with selective subject being Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognised Board or Institution. - AGE LIMITS :- Not below 18 years and not over 25 years as on 28.08.2006 i.e (born
between 28.08.1988 and 28.08.1981).
All details and complete advertisement is available at :
Faculty Recruitment at NIT Raipur
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for various posts of lecturers, the details of which are given here. The upper age limit on the last date of submission of the application form will normally be 40 years but is relaxable as per the rules. The candidates applying for the posts should have minimum qualifications required as per AICTE norms or as given in the advertisement.
The details about Post, Departments, Qualificaiton , Age, Fee and other details are available at : and application forms is avaialble at :
Last date for recieving of application is 19/09/2006
Faculty Recruitment at NIT Patna
- Total No. of vacancies, Qualificaiton, requirement and other details are avaialble at :
- The Application form is avaialble at
Application Fee: Rs. 600.00(Six Hundred) for General/ OBC and Rs. 300.00 for SC/ST candidates (on submission of valid documentary evidence). Downloaded application mustaccompany with the required application fee through Demand Draft drawn in favour of National Institute of Technology, Patna – 800 005 payable at Patna. Candidates from abroad can also apply using the downloaded application form along with fee of US $100 or its equivalent.
- Age of retirement will be presently 62 years on superannuation subject to any modification under Government of India order.
- Last date for submission of completed application in all respect is 25.09.2006. Application should be sent by Speed Post/ Registered Post only.
Multiple Receruitment at UPRIMSR Saifai
Applications are invited for the following posts in the Institute:
- Senior Administrative Officer : 01 post : Pay Rs. 10000-15200: Qualificaiton : Graduate (55% or above) with MBA or Diploma in Management of 2 years knowledge of computers with two years experience in Govt./Semi Govt. organisation. Preference: Degree in Law or equivalent.
- Senior Store Purchase Officer: 01 post : Pay Rs. 10000-15200: Qualificaiton : Graduate (55% or above) in Science/Commerce/Economics with MBA or Diploma in Material Management or Inventory Control of 2 years 2. 3 years experience in Supervisory of Material Management 4. knowledge of computers
- Chiefe Nursing Officer: 01 post : Pay Rs. 10000-15200: qualificiation : B.Sc. Nursing and 10 years experience
- Vaterinary Officer : 01 post : Pay Rs. 8000-13500 : Qualificaiton: B.Sc. Vaterinary Science or Animal Husbandry) or equivalent
- Nursing Superintendant: 02 post : Pay Rs. 8000-13500 : Qualification : B.Sc. Nursing and atleast 5 years experience in a famous hospital
- Superintendant Engineer: 01 post : Pay Rs. 8000-13500 : Qualificaiton : B.E. (Civil Engineering) and 2 years experience
- Assistan Computer Programmer : 02 posts : Pay Rs. 6500-10500: Qualificaiton : MCA from a recognised university or institute with 3 years experience
- Dy. Nursing Superintendant : 04 posts : Pay Rs. 7500-12000 : Qualification : B.Sc. (Nursing) and 5 years exp.
- Assistant Nursing Superintendant : 10 posts : qualificaiton : B.Sc. (Nursing) and 3 years exp.
- Sister : 30 posts : Pay Rs. 5500 - 9000 : Qualificaiton : B.Sc. (Nursing) and 3 years exp. as sister
- Lab Technician : 37 posts : Pay Rs. 4000-6000 : Qualification : Inter Sc. and MLT Diploma from any Govt. Recognised institute with 1 years experience or B.Sc.
- ECG Technician : 01 post : Pay Rs. 4000-6000 : Inter pass and Certificate in ECG Tech. from any recgnised Institute
- Audiometry Technician : 01 post : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification : B.Sc. Physics and 1 year exp in audimetry or 3 yrs diploma in Elecetrical/ Electronics / Telecommunication Engg.
- Speech Therapist : 01 post : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification : B.Sc. Speech and Hearing
- Refructionist : 01 post : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification : Inter pass and diploma in Optometry
- Dental Technician : 01 post : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualificaiton : Inter with diploma in Dental Mechanic
- Radiographic Technician : 04 post : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification : Inter (Sc.) and Diploma in Radiography from a recognised institute and 1 year experience or B.Sc. (Radiography)
- Technician for Animal Operation Room : 1 post : Pay Rs. 4000-6000 : Qualification : Inter (Biology) or Inter (Agriculture) and one years exp. as lab assistant
- Audivisual Technician: 03 post : Pay Rs. 4000-6000 : Qualification : Graduate and exp. in maintenance of audio visual equipments.
- Modeller (Anatomy Deptt.) : 1 post : Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : Qualification : Inter with Diploma in Arts (drawings)
- Artists (Pathology) : 01 post : Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : Qualification : Inter with Diploma in Arts (drawings)
- Photographer (Central Photography Section) : 01 post : Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : Qualification : High school with at least 5 years exp. of Medical Photography in an Educational Institute
- Artist Cum Modeler (Central Photography Section) : 01 post : Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : Qualification: Intermediate with Diploma in Arts (drawing) from a recognised institute.
- Dark Room Assistant : 03 post : Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : Qualification : Inter (Science) with exp. in similiar work.
- Medical Social Worker : 04 posts : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification: Post Graduate (Social work / Sociology) or Post Graduate (Psychology). Preference will be given to those candidates who wored in a large teaching hospital.
- Medical Record Officer : 01 post : Pay Rs. 5000-8000 : Qualification : Graduate and Degree in Medical Record with 1 year exp. or Diploma in Medical Record wioth at least 6 yrs exp in a large Educational/Research Institute.
- Statistician : 02 posts : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification : M.Sc. (Maths/Statistical Maths) or equivalent
- Jr. Engineer (Civil) : 01 post : Pay Rs. 5000-8000 : Qualification : 1 Class Diploma in Civil Engineering with 2 yrs exp.
- Jr. Engineer (Elecetrical) : 01 post : Pay Rs. 5000-8000 : Qualification : 1 Class Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 2 yrs exp.
- Chief Dietician : 01 post : Pay Rs. 5500-9000 : Qualification : M.Sc. (Food & Nutrition) with at least 2 years
- Dietician : 02 posts : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification : B.Sc. (Home Science) with Post Graduate Diploma in Deitetics and at least 3 yrs exp in a reputed large hospital. Preference will be given to the candidates having M.Sc. (Food & Nutrition) qualification.
- Asstt. Dietician : 04 posts : Pay Rs. 4000-6000 : Qualification : B.Sc. (Home Science) with Post Graduate Diploma in Deitetics and at least 2 yrs exp in a reputed large hospital. Preference will be given to the candidates having M.Sc. (Food & Nutrition) qualification.
- Dispensary Superintendent / Chief Pharmacist : 02 post : Pay Rs. 5000-8000 : Qualification: Diploma in Pharmacy with a govt. recognised Institute with at lease 5 years exp. in a large (200 beded) hospital.
- Pharmacist : 17 posts : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification: Diploma in Pharmacy with a govt. recognised Institute with at lease 2 years exp. in a large (200 beded) hospital.
- Librarian : 01 posts : Pay Rs. 4000-6000 : Qualification: Graduate along with Degree in Library Science and at least 2 yrs exp of Library Work and Documentation. Minimum typing speed of 30 wpm English and 25 wpm in Hindi with knowledge of Computers.
- Dy. Librarian: 01 posts : Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : Qualification: Intermediate with Diploma in Library Science. Preference will be given to the candidates having work exp.
- Documetalist : 01 post : Pay Rs. 3050-4590: Qualification: Inter with at least 1 yrs exp in the similiar field.
- Cataloguer : 01 posts: 4000-6000: Qualification: B.Lib. or diploma in Library Sc. with at least 3 yrs working exp.
- Library Assistant: 04 post : Pay Rs. 3050-4590: Qualification: Diploma in Library Sc. or Inter with at least 1 yrs exp.
- Personal Assistant : 02 post : Pay Rs. 5500-9000 : Qualification: Graduate (more than 55%) with minimum speed of 80 WPM in Hindi/English Stenography and 35/40 wpm in Hindi/english typing and knowledge of working on computer alongwith 3 yrs exp.
- Office Superintendent : 06 posts : Pay Rs. 5500-9000: Qualification: Graduate and knowledge of Drafting and Noting with total 10 yrs exp in a Govt. / Semi govt. organisation alongwith knowledge of Hindi/English Typing and working on Computers.
- Office Assistant : 01 post : Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : Inter with at min. speed of 35/40 wpm in Hindi/English Typing. Preference to working kowledge of computers.
- Stenotypist : 13 posts : Pay Rs. 45000-7000 : Qualification: Inter with at min. speed of 80 wpm in hindi shorthand and 25 wpm in Hindi typing alongwith working kowledge of computers.
- Clerk : 01 post : Pay Rs. 3050 - 4590 : Qualification: Inter with Min. speed of 25 WPM in Hindi Typing along with knowledge of working of computers.
- Store Keepr Cum Clerk : 07 posts: Pay Rs. 3050 - 4590 : Qualification: Inter with Min. speed of 25 WPM in Hindi Typing along with knowledge of working of computers.
- Record Clerk : 14 posts: Pay Rs. 3050 - 4590 : Inter with Min. speed of 25 WPM in Hindi Typing along with exp of Record keeping.
- Store Keepr : 13 posts : Pay Rs. 3050 - 4590 : Qualification : Inter with Min. speed of 25 wpm in Hindi Typing and at least 3 yrs exp of Store Operation and Maintenance.
- Stenographer : 04 posts : Pay Rs. 5000-8000 : Qualification: Graduate with min. speed of 80 wpm in hindi/English Stenography and 35/40 wpm in hindi/english typing and knowledge of working on computers.
- Computer Operator: 06 posts: Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualification: Graduate with Diploma in Computer Application from a recognised institute.
- Data Entry Operator : 10 posts: Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : Qualification: Graduate with the speed of 8000 Key Depression per hour and Diploma in Computer Application from a recognised institute.
- Sr. Grade Assistant: 20 posts : Pay Rs. 5000-8000: Qualification: Graduate and knowledge of Drafting and Noting with 5 years exp. in a Govt. / Semi Govt. Institute or Reputed Organisation.
- Programmer Cum Data Processor : 01 post : 8000-13500 : Qualification: B.Tech./M.Sc. (Maths/Physics / Statistics) or MCA or equivalent with 5 yrs exp.
- Driver : 15 posts : Pay Rs. 3060 - 4590 : Qualification: 8th pass and having licence of Light/Heavy vehicles with 5 yrs exp of driving.
- Daftery : 06 Posts : Pay Rs. 2610-3540 : Qualification: 8th pass knowledge of Book Binding and Maintenance of books.
- Attendant : 05 posts : Pay Rs. 2610-3540 : Qualification: 8th pass or equivalent
- Lab Attendant : 16 posts : Pay Rs. 2610-3540 : Qualification: High School (Sc.) with at least 1 yr. exp.
- Dissection Hall Attendant : 06 Psots : Pay Rs. 2610-3540 : Qualification: : 8th pass with exp.
- Animal Attendant : 01 posts: Pay Rs. 2610-3540 : Qualification: 8 th pass with exp.
- Lab Assistant : 06 Posts : Pay Rs. 2610-3540 : Qualification: High School (Sc. ) with at least 1 yrs exp.
- Peon : 24 posts : Pay Rs. 2550-3200 : Qualification: 8th pass with knowledge of cycling.
- Lift Operator : 10 posts : Pay Rs. 2550-3200 : Qualification: High School with at least 1 yrs exp.
- Electrician : 06 posts: Pay Rs. 3050-4590: Qualification: High School with ITI Wireman Licence along with 3 yrs working exp.
- Plumber : 05 posts : Pay Rs. 2750-4400: Qualification: ITI in the similiar trade with 1 yrs exp.
- Helper : 24 posts : Pay Rs. 2550-3200: Qualification: 8th pass with 1 yrs exp.
- Cook : 12 posts : Pay Rs. 2610-3540 : Qualification:8th pass with knowledge of cooking Western and Indian dhishes along with 2 yrs exp in a Hospital/Hotel/Reputed Catering Organisation.
- Washerman : 07 Posts : Pay Rs. 2550-3200 : Qualification: 8 thpass with exp in similiar field.
- Barber : 04 Posts : Pay Rs. 2550-3200 : Qualification: 8 thpass with exp in similiar field.
- Tailor : 02 Posts : Pay Rs. 2550-3200 : Qualification: 8 thpass with exp in similiar field.
- Sweeper : 23 Posts : Pay Rs. 2550-3200 : Qualification: 8 thpass with exp in similiar field.
- Technician (Electric & Mechanical) : 04 Posts : Pay Rs. 3050-4590 : High School with ITI in the similiar field.
- Jr. Technician (Carpenter) : 01 posts : Pay Rs. 2750-4400 : 8th pass with ITI in similiar field.
- Jr. Technician (Blacksmith) : 01 posts : Pay Rs. 2750-4400 : 8th pass with ITI in similiar field.
Determination of Age: Age will be reckoned as on 01.07.2006. Relaxation in upper age limit will be admissible as per U.P. Government Rules for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes, ,Physically Handicapped, Dependents of Freedom Fighters and Ex-Servicemen.
Application Fee: Application Fee for General/OBC Candidates is Rs, 100/- and for SC/ST candidates is Rs. 40/-. Fee will be payable only through Bank Draft in favour of "Director, U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Saifai, Etawah". No fee will be payable for the candidates who have already applied in response of the earlier Advertisement No. RIMS/00412006-D7 only if they attach the proof of fee paid earlier. However, such candidates are required to apply again in the response of this advertisement.
- Applications are acceptable in prescribed profonna in A-4 size paper only.
- Incomplete and unsigned applications are treated as rejected.
- Candidates are required to enclose the Bank Draft of prescribed fee, certified photocopies of all educational and technical qualifications, date of birth and caste certificate.
- Candidates should paste a recent passport size photograph on the application forn duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
- Preference will be given to those candidates who are having higher qualifications for above
mentioned posts. - Qualification for the posts whose pay scale is Rs. 6500-10500 or above may be relaxed for
candidates who are interested to join the post on deputation. - The reservation for the posts is applicable as per U.P. Government rules.
- Applications complete in all respect along with all enclosures should be sent by post only to "Director, U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Saifai, Etawah.206301".
- Last date of receiving the applications is 18.09.2006.
- The Director, U,.P. Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research,Saifai, Etawah reserves the rightto cancel anyone or all posts without assigning any reason.
- No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing inTest/lnterview.
Application form can be taken from here>>>
Recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer in LIC
- Qualification : Bachelor's Degree from a recognized Indian or Foreign University with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate in the either of the degrees.
- Age : 21-30 as on 01/09/06
- No of Posts : 300
- Last Date : 23/09/2006
- Selection Procedure : A Competitive Examination will be held at 36 centres in India. Applicant ill have to appear for the written examination on 17th December, 206 at the centre choosen by them. Successfull candidates will be called for interview. selection in on the overall performanbce in the written test and interview.
- Applicaiton Fee : A crosed Demand Draft of Rs. 250/- valid for six months drawn in favour of "Life Insurance Corporation of India" payable at New Delhi.
Complete application together with the enclosures should reach to Post bag No 2281, Chanakya Puri Post Office, New Delhi - 110021 latest by 23/09/06
Visit careers>>Recruitment of 23rd Batch of Direct Recruits>>LIC Recruitment English Ad at for further information or see Employment News dated 26 August 2006 or visit to see full advertisement.
Application form is available here>>> or at
Combined Medical Service Exam 2007
- Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways. : 260
- Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in Indian Ordnance Factories Health Service. : 20
- Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Services. : 200
- Medical Officers in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. :20
Age Limit :
A candidate for this examination must not have attained the age of 32 years as on 1st January, 2007, i.e. the candidate must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1975. Relaxation in the age as per Govt. of India orders.
Educational Qualification :
For admission to the examination a candidate should have passed the written and practical parts of the final M.B.B.S. Examination.
Candidates must apply in the Common Application Form devised by the Commission for its examination, which can be purchased from the Designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices (specified in Appendix III of the notice) throughout the country against cash payment of Rs. 20/- (Rupees Twenty only). Each such form can be used only once and only for one examination.
In case of any difficulty in obtaining Application Forms from the designated HPOs/POs, the candidates should immediately contact the concerned post Master or UPSC's "FORMS SUPPLY MONITORING CELL" over Telephone No. 011-23389366/FAX No. 011-23387310.
All applications must reach the "Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069" either by hand or by Post/Speed Post or by Courier, on or before the 25th September 2006.
However, in respect of candidates residing abroad or in certain remote localities specified in para 6 of this Notice the last date for receipt of application by Post/Speed Post only (not by Hand or by Courier) is 3rd October, 2006.
For further information kindly Employment News published dated 26/08/2006 or visit UPSC website at
UPSc Advt. No 16
Recruitment of Engineers in HAL
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), a Billion Dollar Company, is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia, with 16 Production/Overhaul/Service Divisions and 9 co-located R&D Centres spread across the Country., require Engineers, Dy. Managers, Managers & Senior Managers in Design / Technical / Non-Technical Departments for Rotary Wing Research & Design Centre & Helicopter Division at Bangalore & Barrackpore Branch Factory at West Bengal.
Further details regarding Age, Qualification, Experience requirements, Relaxations & Concessions, Mode of applying, Selection Procedure, Pay, Allowances & Perquisites etc., can be had by visiting HAL Website.
Recruitment of Assistant Engineer at HAL Lucknow
Invites applications for the post of ASSISTANT ENGINEERS (Grade-I) in the following diciplines:
- Mechanical : 30 Posts
- Electrical / Elcectronics / Computer / IT & Metallurgy : 10 posts
Pay Scale : Rs. 6500-200-11350/- ( Pay scale are due to revise w.e.f. 01/01/2007)
For further details regarding Age, Qualification, Experience , Requirements, Reservation of Posts, Relaxation & Concessions, Mode of applying, Selection Procedure, Pay, Allowances & Perquisites, Service Aggreements etc please visit HAL website The website will be kept open from 26/08/06 to 09/09/06 (upto 2400 hrs). Application Fee of Rs. 200/- non-refundable in the form of Demand Draft should be sent to Sr. Manager (P&A), HAL Accessories Division, Lucknow - 226016. The envelop should be super scribed as Demand Draft in Bold Letters. Last date of receipt of application is 09/09/06.
Recruitment of Dy. Managers - NPCIL
- Dy.Manager (Stores/Purchase) Rs.8000-275-13500Min. Rs.12160/-
- Age : 33 yrs Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD as per rules.
- No of Posts : 16 SC-2ST-1, OBC-3, OTHERS-10 PWD-1 in any of the above categories
- The application should be submitted in the proforma given in the advertisement, preferably typewritten on FOOLSCAPE paper.
- The outer cover should be superscribed “ APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF Dy.Manager (Stores/Purchase)".
- Completed applications should be sent to Sr. Manager (HRM), Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, 7thfloor, North Wing, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai – 400 094 so as to reach on or before 18/09/2006.
The complete advertisement and Application form format is give at the website :
Other Jobs can also be seen at :
Requirement of Technician at IRCON Limited
- Asstt. Manager : Degree in Mechanical Engineer with not less than 55% marks in aggregate of all semesters. : 6 vacancies
- Jr. engineer (Heavy Machines) : Matric + 3 years Diploma in Electronics or Mechanical or Automobiles or Instrumentation Engineering from a recognized institute. : 6 vacancies
- Technicians (Heavy machines) : Matric + ITI in Electronics or Automobile trade. : 15 vacancies
Complete detail is avaialble at
Trainee Pilot for Air India
- Trainee Pilot : Minimum education of H.S.C (10+2) or equivalent. Graduates in Engineering or B.Sc.(Maths+Physics)/ B.Sc.(Aviation) will be given due weightage. Commercial Pilot's Licence with an endorsement on multi-engine aircraft / FRTO licence / COP/RTR: 38 vacancies
- Last date of receiving of application : 08/09/06
For details please click here
Requirement of Bus Drivers Chandigarh Transport Undertaking
- Pay Scale : Rs. 4020-6200 plus usual allowances as admissible to the Chandigarh Administration employees from time to time.
- Qualificaiton : 1.Matric Pass 2. Should have a valid liscence to drive heavy tranport vehicle 3. at least 5 years of experience to drive heavy transport vehicle
- Age as on 01/01/06 : Minimum 25 years - Maximum 35 years (relaxable to 5 years for SC and 3 years for OBC candidates)
- Applicaiton on the prescribed proforma should reach in the o/o, The Divisional Manager, C.T.U. & Director Transport, U.T. chandigarh, Plot no 701, Industrial area, Phase-I, Chandigarh by 15/09/2006.
The prescibed proforma is aviaalble at following places on cash payment of Rs.100/-
- Incharge, CTU at Inter-State Bus Terminus (Room no 335), Kashmiri Gate, Delhi
- Incharge CTU, Inter State Bus Terminus, Sector-17, Chandigarh
- Incharge CTU, Inter State Bus Terminus, Sector-43, Chandigarh
- Also avialable at The Divisional Manager, C.T.U. & Director Transport, U.T. chandigarh, Plot no 701, Industrial area, Phase-I, Chandigarh
Assitant Commandant in Indian Coast Guard
- Assistant Commandant (GD/GD - Pilot) : Bachelor's degree in any discipline with Mathematics and Physics and should not have failed in PABT. : 40 posts
- Assistant Commandant (Tech.) : Degree in Naval architecture/ marine/mechanical/ electrical/telecommunication & electronic/ production/design/ aeronautical/ control engineering or equivalent qualification in any of the above disciplines. : 40 posts
How to Apply:
Application on plain paper in the form is to be sent to on or before 18/09/06 to The Director (HRD), Post Box No 127, Noida (UP) - 201301, under postal certificates only
the advertisement and application form format is available at Indian Coast Guard website at
Vacancies at National Aerospace Laboratories
Applications are invited for the post of Assistant ( General ).
- Assistant ( General ) Grade III : 10+2/XII Standard or its equivalent and Speed of 30 w.p.m. in English : 9 post : Payscale : Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-4590/-
- Junior stenographer (Hindi) : 10+2/XII Standard or its equivalent and Speed of 80 w.p.m. in Hindi Shorthand and 35 w.p.m. in Hindi Typewritting. : 1 post : payscale : Rs. 4000-100-6000/-
- Watch & Ward Assistant : Universiry Degree with atleast 3 years service in the Armed forces in security duties in a supervisory capacity. : 2 posts : Payscale: Rs.5000-150-8000/-
Complete adverisement alongwith application format is avaialble at NAL website The came can be downloaded and used by the applicants.
Last date of applicaiton received is : 15/09/06
Faculty Requirement at MGPGIDS, Pondicherry
- Professor (Dental) : A BDS degree of an Indian University or an equivalent qualification with Post Graduate qualification (MDS) in the concerned subject/speciality. : 3 Posts
- Assistant Professor (Dental) : A BDS degree of an Indian University or an equivalent qualification with Post Graduate qualification (MDS) in the concerned subject/speciality. : 3 posts
- Lecturer (Dental) :A BDS degree of an Indian University or an equivalent qualification with Post Graduate qualification (MDS) in the concerned subject/speciality. : 12 posts
- Professor (Medical) : MS/Equivalent Degree in the concerned speciality.: 1 post
- Assistant Professor (Medical) : MD/MS/Equivalent Degree in the concerned speciality. : 3 posts
- Lecturer (Medical) : MD/MS/Equivalent Degree in the concerned speciality : 11 posts
- Specialist Grade - II (Orthopaedics) : M.S. in Orthopaedics : 1 post
- Specialist Grade - II (Radiologist) : M.D. in Radio-Diagnosis : 1 post
- General Duty Medical Officer : recognized medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part II of the third schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act. 1956. : 5 posts
Prescribed application form alongwith the general instuctions can be obtained free of cost during office hours from the office of the Director, Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Govt. of Pondicherry Institution, Gorimedu, Pondicherry - 605006 either in person or by sending a requisition auperscribed as "Request for application for Faculty position" alongwith a self addressed envelope size 31cm x 13 cm bearing postage stamp of value Rs.20/- for ordinary post and Rs. 50/- for Registered post.
Last date for receiving filled in application is 06/09/2006
Recruitment of LDC in Various Regions of ESIC
- Examination Centre : Delhi
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
DDA Office-cum-Shopping Complex,
Rajendra Bhawan, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi - 110008
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006
The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Ahmedabad
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan, Ashram Road,
Ahmedabad- 380014
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006
The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Faridabad
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan, Sector-16,
Faridabad- 121002
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006
The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Chennai
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
143, Sterling Road,
Chennai - 600034
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006
The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Hyderabad
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan, 5-9-23, Hill fort Road,
Hyderabad- 500063
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006
The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Kolkata
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan,
5/1, Grant Lane,
Kolkata - 700012
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006
The application form can be downloaded from the website
For details please click here
- Examination Centre : Bhubaneswar
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan : Unit IX,
Bhubaneswar- 751022
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Bangalore
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
No. 10,
Bangalore- 23
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Kanpur
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan,
Sarvodaya Nagar,
Kanpur - 5
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006
The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Mumbai
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan,
Lower Parel,
Mumbai- 400013
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006The application form can be downloaded from the website
- Examination Centre : Chandigarh
- Age : between 18-27 yrs as on 15/09/2006
- Qualification : higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a recognised Board) 2. Knowledge of typewritting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. 3. Working knowledge of computer including use of Office suit and database.
How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in the envelope superscribed " Application for the post of L.D.C.-2006 under special recruitment drive" at the following address:
Regional Director,
Regional Office,
Employees' state Insurance Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan,
Sector-19A, Madhya Marg,
Chandigarh- 160019
Last date of receipt of application form : 15/09/2006The application form can be downloaded from the website or
Vacancy of Probationary Officers in Andhra Bank
- Last date for receipt of Applications: 30/08/2006
- Last date for receipt of Applications from Far-flung areas : 07/09/2006
- Tentative Date of Written Examination : 29/10/2009
- Post : Probationary Officers
- No. of Posts : 200
- Age: 21 to 30 years (As on 30/08/06)
Complete datail about fee, mode of applicaiton, application form, details about exam and other details are available at Andhra Bank's website at
Vacancies at Indian Law Institute
- Research Professor - Pay Rs. 16400-22400
- Associate Research Professor - Pay Rs. 12000-18300
- Assistant Research Professor - Pay Rs. 8000-13500
- Assistant Controller of Examination - Rs. 8000-13500
- Assistant Registrar - Pay Rs. 8000-13500
- Computer system Administrator - Pay Rs. 8000-13500
- Computer Operator - Pay Rs. 4000-6000
Applicaiton forms can be collected from the Institute or can be downloaded from the website of the Insititute . Total No. of vacancy , reservation, qualificaiton, required experience and fee details are available on the website. The last date of the receipt of the application form is 18/09/2006.
Recruitment of Recovery Officers - Executives - Bobcards Limited
Vacancy at UPRIMSR Saifai
Applications are invited for the following posts in the Institute:
- Joint Director (Administration) : 01 post : Pay Rs. 14300-18300 : Qualificaiton: Graduate (55% or above) with MBA or PG Diploma in Personnel Management and knowledge of computers with 10 years of relevant experience.
- Administrative Officer : 01 post : Pay Rs. 8000-13500: Qualificaiton : Graduate (55% or above) with MBa or Diploma in Management of 2 years knowledge of computers with two years experience in Govt./Semi Govt. organisation. Preference: Degree in Law or equivalent.
- Office Superintendent : 03 posts : Pay Rs. 5500-9000 : Qualificaiton : Graduate with knowledge of noting & drafting and total 11 years of experience in Govt./semi govt. organisation with knowledge of typing having speed 35 wpm in Hindi and 40 wpm in English and knowledge of computers.
- Lower Division Assistant : 30 posts : Pay Rs. 4000-6000 : qualificiation : Graduate with knowledge of noting & drafting and 1 year experience in Govt. /Semi Govt. organisation with knowledge og typing having speed of 35 wpm in hindi and 40 wpm in English and knowldge of computers.
- Accounts Officer : 01 post : Pay Rs. 8000-13500 : Qualificaiton: M.Com. (with Advance Accountancy in B.Com. ) with atleast 7 years experience as Accountant in any Govt. Organisation or undertaking / institute.
- Jr. Accounts Officer : 02 post : Pay Rs. 6500-10500 : Qualification : DTE or M.Com. (with Accountancy in + 5 years experience as Assistant Accountant
- Assistant Accountants : 16 posts : Pay Rs. 4500-7000 : Qualificaiton : B.Com. (55% and above) with accountancy with 2 years experience of accounts and knowledge of computers.
- Store Purchase Officer : 01 post : Pay Rs. 8000-13500 : Qualificaiton : Graduate in Science / Commerce / Economics (55% and above) from a recognised university. (2) MBA or PG Diploma of 2 years in Material Management & Inventory Control. (3) 3 years experience at supevisory level in Material Management which can be relaxed for psrsons with MBA. (4) Knowledge of Computers.
General conditions :
- Applications on plain paper A-4 sixe alongwith a recent passport size photograph should mention following details 1. Advertisement No. 2. Name of the post 3. Bank Draft (Number, Date , Amount and Name of Issueing Bank) 4. Name of Candidate 5. Father's / Husband's name 6. Date of Birth 7. Permanent Address 8. Correspondence Address and Telephone No / mobile No 9if any) 9. Name of the State candidate belongs originally 10, Category (in case of reserved category, attach certificate issued by competent authority) 11. Academic Qualificaiton (Exam Passed, Year, Board/University, subject, Marks obtained/total marks, Division, Percentage of Marks), 12. Details of experience (Post held period of working, scale of pay, employer's name and address, nature of duties) 13. signature of candidates 14. date.
- A bank draft of Rs. 40/- in case of SC/ST category candidate and Rs. 100/- in case of General/OBC category candidates in favour of Finance Officer, Rural Institute of Medical Science and Research, Safai, Etawah (UP) payable at Etawah.
- Last Date : 02/09/06
- Application addressed to the Director, Rural Instiute of Medical Sciences & Research, Saifai, Etawah (UP) - 206301
Faculty Requirement at UPKGUDS Lucknow
Advertisement No. 135/Reg. Camp/06 Date : 05/08/06
In partial modification of this office advertisement no 3651/B-2005 dated 12/12/05 application are invited from the Indian citizen for the post of Professor (in Grade Rs. 14300-400-18300), Associate Professor (in the grade Rs. 1200-375-16500), Asstt. Professor (in the grade Rs. 10000-325-15200) and Lecturer (in the grade 8550-275-14600) in the various departments of U.P. King Georg's University of Dental Sciences Lucknow belonging to the appropriate category as mentioned againes each post.
- Prosthodontics : Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 04 post (2-UR, 2-OBC)
- Operatrive Denstistry : Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 04 post (1-UR, 2-OBC, SC-1)
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery : Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 01 post (SC-1)
- Periodontics : Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 01 post (SC-1)
- Orthodontics : Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 01 post (SC-1)
- Pedodontics : Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 02 post (SC-1, OBC-1)
- Oral & Dental Pathology : Professor Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 02 post (SC-1,UR-1)
- Oral Medicine & Radiology : Professor Reader/ Associate Professor / Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 05 post (SC-02,OBC-01,UR-02)
- Community Dentistry :Professor Reader / Associate Professor/ Lecturer / Assistant Professor - 05 post (SC-02,UR-02,OBC-01)
General Information: The age and qualification required are as per the First Statutes. for each post where qualificaiton is not menstioned in Statutes, it will be as per MCI recommendations. Candidates having minimum three years f teaching experience after the post graduate degree in the concerned subjects will be considered for appointment as Asstt.. Professor & if suitable candidates are not found for Assistant Professor the Selection Committee may consider appointment as Lecturer.
The application forms can be obtined in person on payment of Rs. 500/- in cash from the Office of the Finance Officer or on mailing a Bank Draft of Rs. 650/- payable to Finanace Officer, UP King Geoge's University of Dental Sciences, Lucknow upto 01/09/2006.
Complete application on prescribed form alongwith a Bank Draft of Rs. 3000/- in favour of Finance Officer, U.P. King Georg's University of Dental Sciences, Lucknow payable at Lucknow should reach the Office of the Registrar latest by 08/09/06.
Senior Positions at Delhi Metro Rail
- Sr. Management Level (Rs. 20800-575-25400 IDA / Rs. 18400-500-22400 CDA) : Civil -02, Electrical -02 , Signal & Telecom - 02
- Middle Management Level (Rs. 13600-425-18700 IDA / Rs. 12000-375-16500 CDA ) Accounts - 05 posts
- Sr. Supervisor Level (Rs. 7400-225-11900 IDA/ Rs. 6500-200-10500 CDA) - Accounts -02
The detailed application format and other particulars regarding eligibility criteria, qualification, mode of selection / intake etc. are avaialble on website at
candidates may send their applications through proper channel alongwith SPE/Vig/DAR clearance and copies of last 5 years ACRs in the prescribed format th Chief Personnel Officer, DMRc Ltd. NBCC Place, Bhishma Pitamah Marg, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi - 110003.
Last date of receipt of Applications : 18/09/2006.
Requirement of Consultants at IRCTC
Faculty Vacancy at Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya
Employment Notification number : Estt./2006/176, dated 03-08-2006
Applications are invited for the Music (Sangit) Faculty Posts
Complete detail of positions, no of vacnacy, dicipline , experience, qualification and application form is available at
Last date for receipt of completed Applications is 15th September 2006. No application will be
accepted after last date.
Faculty Vacancy at Tezpur University
- PROFESSOR (one) in business Administration
- READER (one) in Sociology
- LECTURER (one each) in (i) Cultural Studies and (ii) Computer Sc. and Information Technology
All the post are reserved for persons with disability (PWD)
application form and details of qualificaiton, specialisation, experience, pay scale, reservation, application fee et. can be obtained from the office of Registrar or by post on a written request with a self addressed stamped (Rs.10/-) envelope of size 11 cm x 25 cm or can be downoaded from the website &
Last date of receipt of application is : 15/09/2006
Faculty Vacancy at Assam University, Silchar
(A Central University Established in 1994)
Employment Notification
No.2/2006 date : 2/8/2006
- Professor : Agricultural Engineering (1), Information Technology (1), Leave Vacancy Bengali (1)
- Reader : Agricultural Engineering (1), Foreign Languages (French -2), fine arts (1).
- Lecturer : Information Technology (1,SC), Foreign Languages (French -1), Fine arts (1 -PWD), Physics (Leave Vacancy -1, ST), Business Administration (Leave Vacancy -1,SC)
* SC- Schedule Caste, St- schedule Tribe, PWD - Person with disability
Details of eligibility, qualification, experience, specialisation etc. and application form can be obtained from or from the " Section Officer, Personnel Section, assam University, Silchar-11" during office hours on all working days in person / by post sending a self addressed stamped (Rs. 22/- for Registered post) envelope (28x12cm.) Cost of application form : Rs. 100/- (Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PWD) Application Fee : Rs. 200/- (Rs. 100 for SC/ST/PWD). Applicant downloading application form from website will have to pay Rs.300/- (Rs. 150/- for SC/St/PWD) as application fee.
The filled in application form is to be submitted in a sealed cover superscribed with "Post Applied for" with advertisement no etc to "The Registrar, assam University, Silchar - 788011."
Mode of Payment : Cost of application form and application fee has to be submitted in the shape of demand draft drawn in favour of Finance officer, assam University, Silchar payable at UCO bank Silchar Barnach (code 0080) State Bank of India Silchar branch (code 7061).
Last date of application form is 08/09/2006.
Last date of receipt of filling in application form is 15/09/2006.
Recruitment of Regional Sales Manager - Scooters India Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Post Box No. 23, Sarojini Nagar, Lucknow-226008
(An ISO 9001 & 14001 Company)
Candidates should be Engineering Graduate/Graduate/MBA having around 12 years experience in sales/service/marketing preferably in automobile line. He should have customer friendly disposition, excellent communication skills, flair for laision and thorough understanding of 3-Wheeler market to achieve assigned targets.
He should be below 45 years of age and ready to be posted anywhere in India. Pay will be commensurate with qualification and experience. Detailed bio-data along with position held and last salary drawn annexing latest passport size photograph may be addressed to Manager (HR) within 15 days.
Reservation as per Government of India Rules will be applicable.