Panchdeept Bhawan, C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi - 110002
Recruitment of staff in various Paramedical Cadres in Employees' Staff Insurance Corporation
Applications in the prescribed format are invited for filling up various vacancies of Para Medical Staff (like Nurse, Technician, Lab Assistant, Radiographer, Pharmacist, Operator etc.) in different ESIC Hospitals at various places across in various states :- Andhra Pradesh : 131 different Para Medical posts posts
- Assam : 15 different posts
- Bihar : 36 different posts
- Chandigarh (UT) : 05 different posts
- Gujarat : 193 different posts
- Haryana : 02 different posts
- Jharkhand : 28 different posts
- Kerala : 307 different posts
- Madhya Pradesh : 65 pdifferent posts
- Orissa : 39 different posts
- Punjab : 44 different posts
- Rajasthan : 01 post
Application Fee : Rs.125/- or Rs.75/- depending upong the pay scale of the post in the form of Bank DD in favour of ESI Corporation, Account No.- 1” payable at (Name the city of the respective states for which post applied). SC/ST/PH/ Ex. Servicemen/ Women candidates are exempted from the fee.
How to Apply : The application duly filled in English or Hindi language, in the prescribed application format, duly supported with clean/ legible attested copies of the relevant certificates and marks statements (in English or Hindi) should be sent by Registered post / Speed post on or before 31/03/2011 (07/03/2011 for the candidates of far-flung areas) to the Medical Superintendent of the ESIC Hospital in different states as the addresses are given in the detailed advt. :
Please view for all the details and application format.
Published by Manisha for
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