Jobs in Hindustan Antibiotics Dec-2010

Published by Manisha for her blog
Hindustan Antibiotics Limited
(A government of India Enterprise)
Pimpri, Pune - 411018.

Hindustan Antibiotics Limited is a fast growing Pharmaceutical Company in the Public Sector, needs professionals as  :
  1. Deputy General Manager (Prod) in the pay scale of Rs. 17500-400-22300/-
  2. Manager (Electrical) in the pay scale of Rs. 16000-400-20800/- OR Deputy Manager (Electrical) in the pay scale of Rs. 14500-350-18700/-
  3. Management Trainee (Computer Science) will be absorbed as Engineer / Officer (System) in the scale of Rs. 8600-250-14600/-

How to Apply : Candidates may apply giving detailed bio-data with a passport size photograph along with certified copy of the Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST and OBC candidates, and Xerox copies of the qualification and experience certificates, within 15 days to the Personnel Manager (PER&IR), Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd., Pimpri, Pune 411018.  (published on 22/12/2010) i.e. upto 05/01/2011.

Please visit for more details.

Published by Manisha for
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