Various jobs in Bihar Shiksha Pariyojna June-2010

Published by Manisha for
Bihar Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad
(State Implementation Society for SSA, NPEGEL, KGBV etc.)
Beltron Bhawan, Shastru Nagar, Patna - 800023 (Bihar)

Recruitment on various vacant positions on short term contract/ short term deputation basis :

  1. Additional Programme Officer  / Additional District Programme Coordinator : 26 posts
  2. Executive Engineer : 28 posts
  3. State Resource Person/ Assistant Programme Officer : 66 posts
  4. Assistant Resource Person : 69 posts
  5. Assistant Engineer : 28 posts
  6. Junior Engineer : 55 posts
  7. Accounts Officer : 10 posts
  8. Accountant : 16 posts
  9. Assistant Computer Programmer  : 29 posts
  10. Data Entry Operator/ Steno-cum-Typist/ Account Assistant/ Office Assistant : 09 posts
  11. Librarian-cum-Documentation Incharge : 01 post
  12. Peon/Night Guard : 05 posts
Application Fee :  application fee of Rs.300/- in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Draft in favour of payable at Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe category as well as belonging to BPL families are exempted from the payment of application.

How to Apply :  The applications in the prescribed format complete in all respects may be sent only by  Registered Post / Speed Post on or before 15/07/2010 to State Project Director, Bihar Education Project Council, Beltron Bhawan, Shastri Nagar, Patna-800023. Name of the post applied for with post code must be superscribed in bold letters on the envelope
Please visit for all the details and application format etc.

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
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