RBI Research Officer Grade-B vacancy Feb2010

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens and certain other categories of persons for appointments to the following posts. The details of the posts are as follows :
  • Research Officers in Grade B for Department of Statistics and Information Management : 10 posts (UR-5, SC-3, OBC-2), Age : 21-30 years, Qualification : (i) A Master's Degree in Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Mathematical Economics/ Econometrics  with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade OR (ii) Master's Degree in Mathematics with a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade and one year post graduate diploma in Statistics or related subjects from an institute of repute or (iii) M.Stat. Degree of Indian Statistical Institute with a minimum of 55% marks. Pay Scale : Rs.13700-24400/-.

How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should be sent to the General Manager, RBI Services Board, Post Bag No.4618, Mumbai Central Post Office, Mumbai-400008 by ordinary post  on or before 29/03/2010.

For further details and application, please visit at http://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=2113

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