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تفجيرات كنيسة القديسين بالاسكندرية، سيارة مفخخة تخلف قتلى وفتنة طائفية
سببت سيارة مفخخة مساء اليوم في انفجار مدو امام كنيسة القديسين بالاسكندرية مما ادى الى انفجار سيارتين مجاورتين مما خلف ما لا يقل عن 11 قتيلا حتى الان ومتوقع زيادة هذا العدد حسب رواية شهود عيان اكدوا ان القتلى والمصابين عددهم كبير، هذا وكانت التفجيرات اندلعت في تمام الثانية عشر والثلث من فجر اليوم الاول من العام الجديد 2011 واثناء احتفال الكثير من المصريين بالعام الجديد.
ومن المؤسف استغلال الحادث من قبل بعض مثيري الفتن واشعلوا صدور اقباط الاسكندرية المجاورين للحادث مما دفع بهم لمهاجمة المسلمين هناك وعدد من المساجد الامر الذي دفع بقوات الامن لاطلاق الغازات المسيلة للدموع لتفرقة المتجمهرين.
شاهد عيان : بادج على السيارة كتب عليه " البقية تاتي" !!!
التلفزيون المصري : مظاهرات تلت الاشتبكات الطائفية علت اصواتها بـ " يحيا الهلال مع الصليب"
فيديوهات عن الحادث الاليم
فيديو لحظة وقوع الحادث :
تفجيرات كنيسة القديسين بالاسكندرية، سيارة مفخخة تخلف قتلى وفتنة طائفية
سببت سيارة مفخخة مساء اليوم في انفجار مدو امام كنيسة القديسين بالاسكندرية مما ادى الى انفجار سيارتين مجاورتين مما خلف ما لا يقل عن 11 قتيلا حتى الان ومتوقع زيادة هذا العدد حسب رواية شهود عيان اكدوا ان القتلى والمصابين عددهم كبير، هذا وكانت التفجيرات اندلعت في تمام الثانية عشر والثلث من فجر اليوم الاول من العام الجديد 2011 واثناء احتفال الكثير من المصريين بالعام الجديد.
ومن المؤسف استغلال الحادث من قبل بعض مثيري الفتن واشعلوا صدور اقباط الاسكندرية المجاورين للحادث مما دفع بهم لمهاجمة المسلمين هناك وعدد من المساجد الامر الذي دفع بقوات الامن لاطلاق الغازات المسيلة للدموع لتفرقة المتجمهرين.
شاهد عيان : بادج على السيارة كتب عليه " البقية تاتي" !!!
التلفزيون المصري : مظاهرات تلت الاشتبكات الطائفية علت اصواتها بـ " يحيا الهلال مع الصليب"
فيديوهات عن الحادث الاليم
فيديو لحظة وقوع الحادث :
NIT Jamshedpur Faculty vacancy Dec-2010
Published by Manisha for
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jamshedpur
(Deemed University)
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur invites applications from Indian nationals possessing excellent academic background along with commitment to quality teaching, for the post of Assistant Professor (On Contract) and Lecturer (On Contract) for maximum periods of 3 years to be renewed annually for the following Departments :
Remuneration : Assistant Professor - Rs.33000/- and for Lecturer - Rs.30000/- per month
How to Apply : Application on the prescribed format with attested copies of certificates and passport size
photograph should reach Registrar, NIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand-831014 by Speed / Registered post
on or before 17/01/2011.
Please view[B].pdf for more details and application format.
Published by Manisha for
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jamshedpur
(Deemed University)
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur invites applications from Indian nationals possessing excellent academic background along with commitment to quality teaching, for the post of Assistant Professor (On Contract) and Lecturer (On Contract) for maximum periods of 3 years to be renewed annually for the following Departments :
- Department of Computer Applications (2) Chemistry (3) Humnities (English)
Remuneration : Assistant Professor - Rs.33000/- and for Lecturer - Rs.30000/- per month
How to Apply : Application on the prescribed format with attested copies of certificates and passport size
photograph should reach Registrar, NIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand-831014 by Speed / Registered post
on or before 17/01/2011.
Please view[B].pdf for more details and application format.
Published by Manisha for
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
Delhi High Court PA vacancy Dec-2010
Published by Manisha for
Sher shah Raod, Delhi
Applications are invited from the Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on the establishment of this Court:
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format with two recent passport size photographs duly attested by a Gazetted Officer alongwith attested copies of testimonial should be sent by Registered A.D. Post with the words “APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST PERSONAL ASSISTANT” superscribed on the envelope, addressed to the Joint Registrar (Estt.), Delhi High Court, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi- 110003, so as to reach him not later than 22/01/2011.
Sher shah Raod, Delhi
Applications are invited from the Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on the establishment of this Court:
- Personal Assistant : 27 posts (UR-6,SC-6,ST-4,OBC-11), Pay scale : Rs.9300 - 34800 grade pay Rs. 4200/- , Age : 18-27 years as on 01/01/2011., Qualifications : Graduate with Shorthand speed of 100 words per minute and typing speed of 40 words per minute and having knowledge of Computer.
Application Fee : Application fee in the form of Demand Draft/ Postal order of Rs. 300/- drawn in favour of Registrar General, Delhi High Court. No fee shall be payable by the SC/ ST/ PH Candidates.
For more information and application form, kindly visit or kindly click on the image to view/download the advertisement.
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
NIT Jamshedpur Faculty Special Drive Dec-2010
Published by Manisha for
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jamshedpur
(Deemed University)
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur invites applications from Indian nationals belonging to SC/ST & OBC categories and possessing excellent academic background along with commitment to quality teaching, for the post of Assistant Professor (On Contract) and Lecturer (On Contract) for maximum periods of 3 years to be renewed annually for the following Departments :
How to Apply : Application on the prescribed format with attested copies of certificates and passport size
photograph should reach Registrar, NIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand-831014 by Speed / Registered post
on or before 17/01/2011.
Please view[A].pdf for more details and application format.
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jamshedpur
(Deemed University)
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur invites applications from Indian nationals belonging to SC/ST & OBC categories and possessing excellent academic background along with commitment to quality teaching, for the post of Assistant Professor (On Contract) and Lecturer (On Contract) for maximum periods of 3 years to be renewed annually for the following Departments :
- Civil Engg., (2) Computer Science & Engg., (3) Electrical Engg., (4) Electronics & Communication Engg., (5) Metallurgical & Materials Engg., (6) Mechanical Engg., (7) Production & Industrial Engg., (8) Physics, (9) Chemistry, (10) Mathematics, (11) Humanities (English) & (12) Deptt. of Computer Applications
How to Apply : Application on the prescribed format with attested copies of certificates and passport size
photograph should reach Registrar, NIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand-831014 by Speed / Registered post
on or before 17/01/2011.
Please view[A].pdf for more details and application format.
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
Angel Locsin Myra E TV Commerial Photo Stills
I'm sure you've already seen Angel Locsin's Myra-E TV Commercial on local channel. But in case you haven't been watching too many tv commercials lately, let me share you Angel Locsin's Myra-E TV commercial photo stills. Angel Locsin looking bubbly and cheerfully.
More photos of Angel Locsin on Myra-E commercial inside ->
More photos of Angel Locsin on Myra-E commercial inside ->
Angel Locsin Myra E TV Commerial Photo Stills
I'm sure you've already seen Angel Locsin's Myra-E TV Commercial on local channel. But in case you haven't been watching too many tv commercials lately, let me share you Angel Locsin's Myra-E TV commercial photo stills. Angel Locsin looking bubbly and cheerfully.
More photos of Angel Locsin on Myra-E commercial inside ->
More photos of Angel Locsin on Myra-E commercial inside ->
Various jobs in HAL Nashik Dec-2010
Published by Manisha for
How to Apply : Eligible candidates may send their duly filled in applications in the prescribed format so as to reach on or before 20/01/2011 to Deputy General Manager (Human Resources), Post Box No. 23, Ojhar Township Post Office, Nashik - 422207. The envelope should be superscribed with the title of the post applied for.
Please visit for complete details and application format.
Published by Manisha for
Aircraft Division, Nashik
HAL Aircraft Division, Nasik is Hyderabad invites application for the following posts : - Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) : 14 posts (ST-9, PH-5), Age : 28 years, Pay Scale : Rs.12600-3%-32500
- Deputy Manager (Human Resources) - Legal : 01 post, Age : 45 years, Pay Scale : Rs.20600-3%-46500
- Medical Superintendent / Senior Medical Officer (Medicine) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 24900-50500 / 20600-46500
- Team Leader (Waranty Cell) : 05 posts, Age : 45 years, Pay : Consolidated amount.
How to Apply : Eligible candidates may send their duly filled in applications in the prescribed format so as to reach on or before 20/01/2011 to Deputy General Manager (Human Resources), Post Box No. 23, Ojhar Township Post Office, Nashik - 422207. The envelope should be superscribed with the title of the post applied for.
Please visit for complete details and application format.
Published by Manisha for
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
Many online shoes stores don't understand the word "unisex"
I made a search by google with "unisex high heels" keywords. What I found: a lot of online stores sell "men unisex heels" and "women unisex heels". How this shoes are unisex if they are different for men and women?
Various jobs in AIATSL Dec-2010
Air India Air Transport Services Ltd. (AIATSL)
(A wholly owned subsidiary of Air India Lttd.)
Air India Air Transport Services Ltd. (AIATSL) invites applications from Indian nationals for the following vacancies and to maintain a waitlist for the same :
Walk-In-Interview : Walk-In at various places from : 0800 hours to 1230 hours. in January and February for different posts.
Published by Manisha for
(A wholly owned subsidiary of Air India Lttd.)
Air India Air Transport Services Ltd. (AIATSL) invites applications from Indian nationals for the following vacancies and to maintain a waitlist for the same :
- Customer Agent : 237 posts
- Sr. Ramp Service Agent : 62 posts
- Ramp Service Agent : 125 posts
- Trinee Security Agent : 200 posts (Maharashtra-165, Gujarat-25, Goa-7, MP-3)
Walk-In-Interview : Walk-In at various places from : 0800 hours to 1230 hours. in January and February for different posts.
For detailed information and application form, please view
Published by Manisha for
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
KIOCL Graduate Engineer Trainee vacancy Dec-2010
KIOCL Limited (Formerly Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Regd.Office: II Block, Koramangala, Bangalore-560034.
KIOCL Invites applications for the following posts for its establishment and its subsidiary unit:
Senior Manager (Personnel), KIOCL Limited, II Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560034
For further information and application format, kindly view
Published by Manisha for
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Regd.Office: II Block, Koramangala, Bangalore-560034.
KIOCL Invites applications for the following posts for its establishment and its subsidiary unit:
- Graduate Engineer Trainees : 32 posts (UR-12, OBC-13, SC-4,ST-3), Scale of pay : Rs.8600-250-14600/-(E0) , Qualification :First Class Engineering degree in Mechanical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Civil/ Electronics & Communication/ Computer Science/ Mining discipline (Second Class for SC/ST candidates), Age : 27 years as on 31/12/2010.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format may be sent on or before 20/01/2011 to :
Senior Manager (Personnel), KIOCL Limited, II Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560034
For further information and application format, kindly view
Published by Manisha for
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
Various jobs in Gujarat Livelihood Promotions Dec-2010
Published by Manisha for
Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Company Limited (GLPC)
GLPC invites applications for the following posts :
How to Apply : For the posts No. 1,2,3 & 4 candidates should apply Online only at GLPC website and for the posts no. 5 and 6 apply by post. The application for the post no. 5 & 6 should go to Srijan Infratech Development Services, 4, CSC, Anupam Apartments, MB Road, Saidullajab, New Delhi - 110068
Please visit for all the details and application format.
Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Company Limited (GLPC)
GLPC invites applications for the following posts :
- General Manager : 10 posts
- Project Manager (State) : 10 posts
- Districts Livelihoods Managers : 26 posts (one post for each district of Gujarat)
- Domain Experts : 104 posts (26 posts for each domain - (i) Social Mobilising & Institution Building (ii) Micro Finance (iii) Agriculture & Dairy Sector (iv) Cottage Industry & Services
- Talika Livelihoods Manager : 255 posts
- Assisant Project Manager : 325 posts
How to Apply : For the posts No. 1,2,3 & 4 candidates should apply Online only at GLPC website and for the posts no. 5 and 6 apply by post. The application for the post no. 5 & 6 should go to Srijan Infratech Development Services, 4, CSC, Anupam Apartments, MB Road, Saidullajab, New Delhi - 110068
Please visit for all the details and application format.
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
Viktor trying his new pants and high heels

"New pants, Marc Jacobs
Jacket, made by, well, me
Shirt, Roy brook
Shoes, Dsquared"
I like how fit these Marc Jacobs pants with those high heel platforms. Good work Viktor!
More at Viktor Diet
Ellen Adarna on FHM Autograph Signing
The newest crush ng bayan, Ellen Adarna during the FHM Autograph Signing last December 10 at the Robinson's Movie World.
I was able to read the profile of Ellen Adarna on FHM pages and looks like that she's more on the misunderstood type of girl. Being raised in a high society with conyo friends and the like. She's really close to guys than girls, which explains her photos with different guys. They didn't take on her Ellen Adarna's scandalous pictures though. Must have been one of her secrets. But hey, she's famous because of that. Look at her now, she's a contract star of GMA Kapuso.
Hope to see more of Ellen Adarna this coming 2011. Happy New Year's to All!
More Ellen Adarna Autograph signing photos inside ->
I was able to read the profile of Ellen Adarna on FHM pages and looks like that she's more on the misunderstood type of girl. Being raised in a high society with conyo friends and the like. She's really close to guys than girls, which explains her photos with different guys. They didn't take on her Ellen Adarna's scandalous pictures though. Must have been one of her secrets. But hey, she's famous because of that. Look at her now, she's a contract star of GMA Kapuso.
Hope to see more of Ellen Adarna this coming 2011. Happy New Year's to All!
More Ellen Adarna Autograph signing photos inside ->
Ellen Adarna on FHM Autograph Signing
The newest crush ng bayan, Ellen Adarna during the FHM Autograph Signing last December 10 at the Robinson's Movie World.
I was able to read the profile of Ellen Adarna on FHM pages and looks like that she's more on the misunderstood type of girl. Being raised in a high society with conyo friends and the like. She's really close to guys than girls, which explains her photos with different guys. They didn't take on her Ellen Adarna's scandalous pictures though. Must have been one of her secrets. But hey, she's famous because of that. Look at her now, she's a contract star of GMA Kapuso.
Hope to see more of Ellen Adarna this coming 2011. Happy New Year's to All!
More Ellen Adarna Autograph signing photos inside ->
I was able to read the profile of Ellen Adarna on FHM pages and looks like that she's more on the misunderstood type of girl. Being raised in a high society with conyo friends and the like. She's really close to guys than girls, which explains her photos with different guys. They didn't take on her Ellen Adarna's scandalous pictures though. Must have been one of her secrets. But hey, she's famous because of that. Look at her now, she's a contract star of GMA Kapuso.
Hope to see more of Ellen Adarna this coming 2011. Happy New Year's to All!
More Ellen Adarna Autograph signing photos inside ->
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