Senior positions in NISM Jul09

Published by Manisha for
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM)
(Established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India - SEBI)

The National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM), established by SEBI, is a unique institution in the securities markets seeking to enhance market quality through knowledge initiatives. NISM is looking for outstanding professionals to contribute to its IT, HR, Finance & Accounts and Estates & Administration functions. The persons should be dynamic, visionary and must have the aspiration to build an educational institution of high standards.

  1. Senior Vice-President (IT)
  2. Vice President (HR)
  3. Assistant Vice President (HR)
  4. Vice President (F&A)
  5. Assistant Vice President (F&A)
  6. Assistant Vice President
  7. Vice President (Estate & Administration)
Persons who are committed to institution building and who wish to work for NISM in any of the following positions may courier within the next 15 days their interest to:

The Director, National Institute of Securities Markets, 5th Floor, UTI House, Plot 82, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400705

Please visit for more details.

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

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