Haryana PSC School Lecturers Backlog vacancy

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com
Haryana Public Service Commission (H PSC)
Bays No.1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula

Advt. No.4/2009

Haryana Public Service Commission invites Applications from eligible candidates for 209 posts of Lecturers (School Cadre) HES-II (Group-B) belonging to SC category of Haryana in various subjects in Haryana Education Department :

  • Lecturers (Teachers) : 209 posts (Chemistry-12, Economics-22, English-36, Fine Arts-1, Geography-6, Hindi-33, History-14, Mathematics-10, Music-3, Pol. Science-42, Punjabi-2, Sanskrit-25, Sociology-3), Pay Scale : PB-2 Rs.7500-12000, Age : 17-45 years, relaxation as per rules.

Qualification : PG degree in relevant subjec wit hat least 50% marks (ii) Cenrtificate of having qualified School Teacher's Eligibility Test (STET) (iii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric (10th)

Application Form : For application form and detailed information write to Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission, Bays No.1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula by remitting Rs.500/- (Rs.125/- for SC/ST/BC/ESM/PH of Haryana only) through IPO/ Bank Draft payable to Secretary HPSC at Panchkula with self addressed (with pin code) envelope of size 24x11 cm size with Rs.40/- postage stamp or from payment at counter of the HPSC.

How to Apply : Filled in application form should be sent to the Commission's office at Bays No.1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula by post or in person on or before 17/07/2009.

Please visit http://sites.google.com/site/sarkari-naukri and donload the file HPSCAdv0409.jpg for detailed information

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