Faculty vacancy at DIAT Mar09

diat-Logo Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT)
Girinagar, Pune-411025
(An Autonomous Organisation fully funded by Department of Defence Research & Development, Ministry of Defence)

Faculty Vacancy

Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT), a Deemed University, Pune invites applications from well qualified candidates for faculty positions at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in its various academic Departments.

Areas : Aerospace Engineering, Computer Engineering, Explosives & Applied Chemistry, Electronics Engineering, Applied Physics, Applied Maths, Mechanical Engineering, Material Science and Armament Engineering.

Qualification : Ph. D. and First class or equivalent (in terms of grades etc) at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch, where relevant, and with a very good academic record throughout with 10 years experience for Professor, 8 years for Associate Professor, 3 years for Assistant Professor.

Pay Scale : Professor – Rs.18400-22400, Associate Professor – Rs.16400-20000, Assistant Professor – Rs.12000-18300

How to Apply : Completed application form in prescribed format, alongwith a bank draft for Rs.200/-drawn in favour of DIAT (DU)), should reach the Chief of Administration, DIAT (DU), Girinagar, Pune-411025, Maharashtra, India on or before 30/05/2009.

Please visit http://www.diat.ac.in/adv.htm for detailed advertisement and application format.

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