Walk-In at RIMS Raichur for Faculty

Government of Karnataka
Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Raichur


Advt. No. RIMS/EST/09-09/298/298 dated : 03/11/2008

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts :
  1. Professor : 08 posts (Each for Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Peadiatrics, Orthopedics, Radiology)
  2. Associate Professor : 16 posts (Anatomy-2, Physiology-2, Pharmacology-1, Pathology-2, Forensic Medicine-1, General Medicine-2, Peadiatrics-1, Orthopedics-1, Anesthesia-2, Radiology-1, Dentistry-1)
  3. Assistant Professor : 10 posts (Anatomy-3, Forensic Medicine-1, Community Medicine-1, Community Medicine (Epidemician)-1, Community Medicine (Statistician)-1, TB & Chest-1, Psychiatry-1, Pharmacology-1)
  4. Sr. Resident : 05 posts (Gen. Medi-1, TB & Chest-1, Radiology-2, Anaesthesia-1)
  5. Jr. Resident/ Tutors : 30 posts

Qualification and eligibility as per MCI norms.

Interested candidates of Pre-Clinical may attend the Walk-In-Interview from the date of notification during working hour from 9 am to 4 pm and clinical and para clinical candidates can attend the Walk-In-Interview on 17/11/2008 [Now the Interview is postpond to 17/12/2008]at 10.30 am at the office of The Dean cum Director, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur and should bring relevant documents and teaching experience certificate alongwith two passport size photos.

Please visit http://www.rims-raichur.org/ for more information.

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

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