(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education)
P.O. New Forest, Dehradun-248006
Applications in plain paper are invited from the interested and eligible candidates for the following positions purely on contractual basis under the sponsored project Digitization of Forest Research Institute Herbarium. The completed applications duly signed by the candidates with a recent passport size photograph and attested copies of all educational certificates and relevant documents are to be submitted to The Head, Botany Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun within 10 days of publication of the advertisement :
- Project Assistant : 06 posts, Project : Digitization of Forest Research Insitute Herbarium PI : Dr. Veena Chandra, Qualification : Graduate with experience of Herbarium dara entry, knowledge of photoshop and database devepolment, Emolumnets : Rs. 6000/- p.m.
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