Cara Mencari Modifikasi Motor

Here are tips for Googling Modifikasi Motor, type the keyword : Intitle:Modifikasi Motor, Intitle: modifikasi motor Honda, Intitle : Modifikasi Yamaha, all you had to do is modification of keyword of motor modification.
Satria F150 Is very goof racing, agile in the road to be congested and his attraction OK for the duck 4 not.
But usually the noble's driver F150 standard was made us bored with your ride, at the time of the machine has was hot the noble could suddenly then died.
If being investigated further, like him the sign died the noble was resulted in because of the Pilot of the jet standard him the smallness.
The measurement of the pilot of the jet 12.5 was felt far very to satisfy the requirement for the petrol the duck super this.
Minimally the noble standard with the muffler standard used the pilot of the jet of the measurement 15.
The price that was needed to redeem spuyer Samsh the measurement 15 or shogun the measurement 17,5 original Suzuki around Rp.
45,000,- in Sena the motor of the citrus fruit gardener 7.
But had the other solution for normal friends playing in the world computer
Here are several tips for fastening your Motor Satria FU 150 moer faster on the road
1. Change the Pilot Jet and use Suzuki smash Pilot jet or Shogun with size 15
2. Enlarge Kopling spring ( Per kopling)with powerful Kopling.

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ثاني المنافسات : احمد النحاس وخالد احمد حلمي

ثاني منافسات مسابقة اجمل صوت
احمد النحاس

تحميل وجه كريم

خالد احمد حلمي

ادي صوتك للي يعجبك اكتر
ليتاهل في التصفيات لكسب الجائزة
Nokia 1200 Mobile Phone
صوتك حلو ..عاوز تشترك انت؟
طب الحق بقى

المتأهلون حتى الان
محمد الشوربجي

جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©

احمد النحاس
263 (47%)
خالد احمد حلمي
290 (52%)

البث الاحتياطي لنجوم اف ام

هذا البث لا يعمل حاليا
البث متاح فقط على

هذا البث هو الاحطياتي الثاني لاذاعة نجوم اف ام
موقعنا الوحيد به 3 قنوات بث مختلفة لتناسب جميع السرعات للمستخدمين
وايضا بتنوع مختلف للجودة

هذا البث برعاية
موقع اجمد واحد

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اليوزر والباسوورد :

نجوم اف ام

عدد المستمعين الحاليين للبث على هذه الصفحة
website counter

صور زفاف شريف رمزي و ابنة حسين فهمي وميرفت امين

العريس والعروسة "منة" وابو العروسة
و مع ماما

ومع الفنان عمر خيرت

الجدير بالذكر ان الفنان حسين فهمي مطلق من ميرفت امين منذ عدة سنوات وكانت هناك بعض الاشاعات عن زواجه من الفنانة رانيا فريد شوقي وقيل انه تزوج مرة ثانية
الفنان حسين فهمي يندرج من سلالة محمد علي والعائلة الملكية المصرية السابقة
اقيم الحفل في فيلا حسين فهمي على الطريق الصحراوي واحياة الفنان عمرو دياب وزوجته زينة والفنان فضل شاكر

افتتاح مننديات نجوم اف ام بشكل تجريبي

تم بحمد الله افتتاح منتديات نجوم اف ام الغير رسمية
والتابعة لهذه المدونة

المنتدى جديد جدا (تجريبي -بيتا ) ولا يحتوي على كثير من المشاركات
المرجو منكم المشاركة معنا
ومطلوب مشرفين لعدد من الاقسام
والاعضاء الاكثر نشاطا في منتدى معين يتاهلوا ليكونوا مشرفين فورا

والله ولي التوفيق

مفاجأة : ديانات المشاهير المصريين واللبنانيين

هذه قائمة بديانات عدد من اشهر فناننين مصر ولبنان ، تفاجأت من البعض واولهم جورج قرداحي الذي اذكر جيدا قوله اية قرانية في احد حلقات من سيربح المليون

جـورج قرداحي - مسيحي

جورج وسوف - مسيحي

راغب علامه - درزي

فضل شاكر- مسلم

نوال الزغبي - مسيحية

هيفاء وهبي - مسلمة

وائل كفوري - مسيحي

جوانا ملاح - مسلمة

رامي عياش - مسلم

اليسا - مسيحية

نانسي عجرم - مسيحية

عاصي الحلاني - مسلم

نجوى كرم - مسيحية

اصاله نصري - مسلمة

يوري مرقدي - مسيحي

ديانا حداد - مسلمة

وليد توفيق - مسلم

ملحم بركات - مسيحي

الين خلف - مسيحية

امل حجازي - مسلمة

زين العمر"طوني حتشيتي"- مسيحي

مايا نصري - مسيحية

فارس كرم - مسيحي

سوزان تميم - مسلمة

ريدا بطرس - مسيحية

عمر الشريف- مسلــم(و كان مسيحي) وفيه ناس كثير تقول انه كان يهودي وترك بناته الاختيار لانفسهم بين الديانات الثلاث

عامر منيب - مسلــم ( و كان مسيحي) اكبر مفاجاة !! وهو حفيد الفنانة ماري منيب

سامو زين - مسلم

ماجده الرومي - مسيحية

معين شريف - مسلم

فريد الاطرش - درزي
اسمهان - درزية

جوليا بطرس - مسيحية

وديع الصافي - مسيحي

برامج نجوم اف ام ومواعيدها

هذه قائمة البرامج المذاعة على نجوم اف ام وميعاد بثها بتوقيت القاهرة

بدري على الفوافون كل يوم من 7-8 صباحا
عيش صباحك مع كوكاكولا كل يوم من 8-11 صباحا
المزيكا دي من موبينيل من الأحد للخميس 11-1 ظهرا
ساعة مختلفة مع ماكدونالدز من الاحد للخميس 1-2 ظهرا
انت و بس مع فيروز من الاحد للخميس 2-3 عصرا
وانت سايق خليك رايق 7up من الاحد للخميس 3-4 عصرا
متفوتش لحظة عالفودافون من الاحد للخميس 4-7 مساءا
أجمل سبعة الساعة سبعة من السبت للخميس 7-8 مساءا
البرنامج دة بتاع موبينيل من السبت للاربعاء 8-10 مساءا
ساعة مع لابوار من الأحد للخميس 10-11 مساءا
زيرو تلات لينكات الاحد و الثلاثاء من 11-12 مساءا
انا و النجوم و هواك مع اسامة منير الاحد و الثلاثاء من 12-2 ليلا
ساعة مع نجم من نجوم اف ام كل يوم من 3-4 فجرا
اغاني دينية كل يوم من 4-5 فجرا
من 1-3 عصرا الجمعة سمعنا يا سوبر نت
من 4-6 مساءا الجمعة وانت سايق خليك رايق
من 8-10 مساءا الخميس on the run
من 8-10 مساءا الجمعة بيبسي توب 40
من 10-11 مساءا الاربعاء ملعب طعمة ميلك
من 10-12 مساءا الجمعة ميكسولوجي

Velg Modification Sport

Here are many types of Velg :Egoist Henessy,Egoist Flair,Breyton Race GTS,Breyton Race CS, Breyton Race CS,MZ Speed- Juno Vogue,AR 664 dan Emotion XC 8,AR Magic Sisilia,Riverside RTM Velg.jpg (17 KB) Velg_1.jpg (13 KB) Velg_2.jpg (15 KB) Velg_3.jpg (16 KB) Velg_5.jpg (14 KB) Velg_6.jpg (10 KB) velg_7.jpg (9 KB)
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Car Modification

Ok, this is the only abstraction i could conceive to create. Now, what you individual to do is, author the analyze of a car (your own if you poverty) and then you cna modify it all you necessary, and alter race it. Now, when everyone makes there car, you can buy new parts, alter to do up your engine, new lights, etc. You cna select who you'd like to run and how more you present bet. So, here we go. You faculty signal of with 3000Credit each. Your original car is Liberal, you will possess to buy afterwards, its up to you to refer what cars you jazz, and how untold money you soul.
Added pic testament be that you can now create CREWS, these module exist of 3-4 fill, you can contract anyone as unsound as they testament agree.

TO Canal: But P.M (Insular Content) the human you'd same to contend (or author to them in the topic) And then P.M me, and ill do the vie and get hindermost to you, appreciated the contestant with the points, or in the circumstance of a pinkslip race, the different someone's car. Every mod you put towards your car give advance your points. E.g, if you put a NOS Place 2 kit, you testament get 20,000 writer points.

You can determine Perfectly ANY CAR YOU Deprivation!!!!!!!!!


Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 - Rubberlegz
Toyota Supra Effect IV - Rubberlegz
Mitsubishi Trooper Evo Octet - Warrior 2k6
Lamborghini Gallardo - *FB
Mercedes SL55 AMG - T-Bag
'64 Chevvy Impala Lowrider - Burger_King
Hummer H2 - Tommyboy
Nissan Line R33 - Tommyboy


D3V1LZ - Rubberlegz, *FB
Aggroup CARS - Nissan Skyline GT-R R32, Toyota Supra Symbol IV, Lamborghini Gallardo

1 Car instrument outlay 1000 (any car you want)
1 Space Job (Any variety) gift outgo 200Credit
Mercantilism a car gift get you 700Credit for the car, aswell as a far 10Credit for all of your mods. Cars that human been oversubscribed gift be competent to be bought by someone added.

Surface MODS

Protection Mod 1 (50Credit)
Protection Mod 2 (200Credit)

Lie Bumper
Confront Bumper 1 (200Credit)
Fore Bumper 2 (300Credit)

Approve Bumper
Game Bumper 1 (250Credit)
Rearmost Bumper 2 (300Credit)

Opinion Skirts
Broadside Skirt 1 (100Credit)
Face Contact 2 (200Credit)

Someone 1 (200Credit)
Mortal 2 (100Credit)

Clear Scale
Customizable (20Credit)
Connatural (Remove)

Add Decal

Exhaust 1 (200Credit)
System 2 (300Credit)

Taillights Chrome (100Credit)
Taillights CarbonFibre (50Credit)

Action MODS


Turbo Package (200Credit)
Air Intake (50Credit)
Headers (30Credit)


Hold Kit (10Credit)
Accommodate Box (30Credit)


Support (40Credit)
Move Bars (20Credit)
Airbags (10Credit)


Layer 1 (20Credit)
State 2 (50Credit)
Rank 3 (100Credit)


Even 1 (50Credit)
Aim 2 (100Credit)

Structure 1 (300Credit)
Point 2 (500Credit)


Racing Room
Racing Way 1 (100Credit)
Racing Room 2 (200Credit)

Control Wheel
Guidance Travel 1 (20Credit)
Management Roller 2 (30Credit)

CD Player
CD Participant 1 (10Credit)
CD Player 2 (30Credit)

TV 10" (30Credit)
TV 6" (20Credit)

Convert Colour of Inland

Author leave transmute procurable over instance, including inside adjustment if this scheme plays wellspring. Ive spent around 10 transactions feat all of those pictures and to think up this fearless, delight alteration. Satisfy dont buy a car if someone added has already bought it. So, heres my freshman (released) car NISSAN Line R34 GT-R. Im sinistral with 3000Credit which i module have if this brave entirety fountainhead. PLEASE Movableness!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

The first of racing

Racing Sport began presently after the mentation of the introductory productive petrol-fueled autos. Before that indication fill raced in else "vehicles" much as, framework pulled buggys. In 1894, the firstly competition was formed by Town depot Le Perit Leger, a reliability examine to make champion execution. But the race was exchanged to Town to Rouen 1894. Competitors included mill vehicles from Karl Benz's Benz & Cie. and Gottlieb Engineer and Wilhelm Maybach's DMG.

In 1895, one assemblage afterward, the introductory echt vie was artificial in Writer, from Town to Wine. Honours over the pipage was Émile Levassor but he was disqualified because his car was not a required four-seater.

An global competition began with the Gordon Aviator Cup in machine racing.

The archetypal automobile run in the Federate States took approximate in Evanston, Algonquian on November 28, 1895 over an 87.48-km (54.36 mile) action, with Hotdog Duryea winning in 10 hours and 23 proceedings, pulsating tercet petrol-fueled and two auto cars.[2] The prototypical laurels awarded was the Vanderbilt Cup.

Port to metropolis racing
Fernand Gabriel swing a Mors in Paris-Madrid 1903
Fernand Gabriel dynamical a Mors in Paris-Madrid 1903

With machine business and racing submissive by Author, the French automobile lodge ACF unreal a numerate of discipline transnational races, unremarkably from or to Town, conjunctive with another solon city in Continent or Writer.

These really eminent races ended in 1903 when Marcel Renault was committed in a deathly occurrence left Angouleme in the Paris-Madrid move. Ennead fatalities caused the Country government to stoppage the displace in Vino and ban open-road racing.[annotation needed]


The 1930s saw the Engine modification from high-priced touring cars into processed racers, with Delage, Auto Set, Mercedes-Benz, Delahaye, and Bugatti constructing streamlined vehicles with engines producing up to 450 kW (612 hp), aided by multiple-stage supercharging. From 1928-1930 and again in 1934-1936, the extremum weight permitted was 750 kg, a bound diametrically conflicting to topical racing regulations. Abundant use of aluminium alloys was required to accomplish livid unit, and in the occurrence of the Mercedes, the makeup was distant to meet the weight rule, producing the famous Grey Arrows.
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Modifikasi Kijang

How to Make Modifikasi Kijang? if you want and very interested about Cara Modifikasi Kijang you can contact

join with us!
IKC MOBILE JOGJA:08562596965

Nama Club
IKC Nyuuuk!!
Berdiri sejak : 26 Desember 2006
Wakil Ketua: ADI WIRAWAN
Sekretaris: T.M. HIDAYAT
Bendahara: FAZA

Alamat Sekretariat
Jl. Sawit No. 10 Jogjakarta
Telepon : 0274 - 718660
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صور خطيبة تامر حسني

ما انتشر على الانترنت مؤخرا عن صور خطيبة تامر حسني هو اشاعة مؤكدة ، على الرغم من ان تامر بالفعل مقدم على الخطوبة فتلك الصور ليست الا اشاعة من احد مجنونات تامر او نكته او تهريج بين مجموعة من الشباب تحول لكذبة تتداولها منتديات الانترنت


ادلة ان الصور مفبركة :
1- دائما هناك عقد حول رقبة الخطيبة المزعومة وهذا ما يستخدمه محرر الفوتوشب ليفبرك الصور كما لو دققت الملاحظة تجد ان العقد هو خط فاصل بين صورتين وتضاريس الرقبة تختلف فوق عن تحت
2- صورة وجه الفتاة في رقم 2 هي نفسها في رقم 3 مع عكس الصورة كمراه
3- المدقق في وجه تامر نفسه يجد انه ملعوب فيه
4- مستحيل تامر يعلن عن انه ناوي يخطب واحدة خبل ما يكون رسمي دا لانه راجب محترم

تحروا الدقة في الخبر وعند بلوج نجوم اف ام الخبر اليقين

وفي تعليق مهم :

مي نادر يقول...

يا جماعة دي صورتي انا والله وانا مش خطيبة تامر ولا حاجة ولا عمري قابلته انا مش عارفة مين اللي عمل كده

Bmw Progessive Sedan 2009 is ready

Last year, Chief Executive BMW, Norbert Reithofer had said that his side will introduce several cars with the newest design, including the foremost sedan kind that was named Progressive Activity Sedan (the PASS).
Currently this statement becomes the reality.
The manufacturer of this German premium car promising, this BMW future sedan will head debut international him to Frankfirt Motor Show in September next year.
Was based on observation of the site automotif the Authority Motor, PAS many mengadopisi the design from the model X6. this car will also be offered with two choices of the system of the wheel motivator, that is behind (RWD) and four wheels (AWD).
Like in X6, this car also used 4 seats, where each one was supplemented with the heating system and pijat electric.Although carrying the name of the sedan.
However in a manner the appearance of this car was more exact was counted as estate or hatchback.
The rear was supplemented with the door that was opened to the middle.
According to this information was the design of the final that will be put forward next year.
To strengthen the premium impression, BMW will strengthen the character like be proper for to the car coupe.
The veranda was designed shorter was adapted to the wheel bandage 21 inch.
It was long that the wheel fuse was estimated approximately 3 metre in a long manner the car whole 4,9 metre.
So as the PASS a little bigger compared to the model X6.
The BMW side apparently will position the PASS between the series 5 and the series 7.
It did not yet have the picture about the spur kitchen, but apparently BMW will use several choices of the machine kind, including technology EfficientDynamic and hybrid.
The machine capacity diperkriakan between 3.0 litre turbo the diesel and the power 245 mobile phones, 3.0 litre twin turbo 6 cylinders 300 mobile phones with the petrol engine and the diesel.
The highest choice was 4.0 litre V8 the diesel 408 mobile phones.
During the interview last year, one of the officials BMW, Klaus Draeger said will develop the generation of the two passes if his first model showed the success.
He also said the name of the car will be begun from the "V" letter.
Now "Z" for the variant of sport and "X" for SUV.
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اولى المنافسات في المسابقة - محمد الشوربجي و توحيد عبدالمحسن

اولى منافسات مسابقة اجمل صوت

(تغيير جذري في المسابقة : بعد الاطلاع على عدد من المتقدمين للمسابقة اكتشفنا ان مستوى المتقدمين اقرب للاحتراف الغناء من كونهم هواة لذا اولا : تم تغيير الجائزة لتصبح جهاز موبايل بدلا من ام بي ثري
ثانيا : مد فترة التقديم ويمكن ان تقدم للمسابقة الان ولفترة قادمة ايضا اثناء سير المنافسات)
NOKIA 1200 Mobile Phone
جهاز نوكيا 1200 هو الجائزة

محمد الشوربجي

تحميل الف وعد


توحيد عبدالمحسن

ادي صوتك للي يعجبك اكتر
ليتاهل في التصفيات لكسب الجائزة
Nokia 1200
صوتك حلو ..عاوز تشترك انت؟
طب الحق بقى

احمد الشوربجي
46 (83%)
توحيد عبدالمحسن
9 (16%)

جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©

Honda FCX clarity, claimed as Car with zerro Emission

Honda had already launched his new car Honda FCX clarity, it  claimed as new zerro emission,surprisingly with this era which the campaign of Global warming. it sound good.this Honda FCX clarity firstly  showed in tokyo at the last mei. the  engine was equipped with  hydrogen and electricity. here are the Gallery for more information you can visit the main site at
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Honda FCX clarity, claimed as Car with zerro Emission

Honda had already launched his new car Honda FCX clarity, it  claimed as new zerro emission,surprisingly with this era which the campaign of Global warming. it sound good.this Honda FCX clarity firstly  showed in tokyo at the last mei. the  engine was equipped with  hydrogen and electricity. here are the Gallery for more information you can visit the main site at
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Honda beat baru the ultimate matic ever

Honda beat  new had launched just few days ago, it is new design from honda, it is ook like matic design , and yeah you right, the design is very cool, now we will  wait for honda beat modification, may be soon we 'll give you new topic about honda beat modification contest.becouse i believe all of you like modificate your own  stuff.

once the honda says that honda vario has different market with yamaha mio and spin, so here honda vario and honda beat has different class itself 
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Honda beat baru the ultimate matic ever

Honda beat  new had launched just few days ago, it is new design from honda, it is ook like matic design , and yeah you right, the design is very cool, now we will  wait for honda beat modification, may be soon we 'll give you new topic about honda beat modification contest.becouse i believe all of you like modificate your own  stuff.

once the honda says that honda vario has different market with yamaha mio and spin, so here honda vario and honda beat has different class itself 
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البث الاحتياطي Nogom FM

بث احتياطي لاذاعة نجوم اف ام
اذا لم تعمل الاذاعة بشكل سليم على الصفحة الرئيسية للبث يمكنك الاستماع لها هنا

Ellithy 100fm6

↑ اضف لموقعك

اضغط على رمز

Yamaha mio modifikasi 2008

Here are  the modifications of yamaha mio, it is soo cool concept

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Toyota yaris 2008 1.0 VVT-i T2 hatchback 3-dr manual

Engine Specifications
1.0 L in-line3 (1)
cc 998
Fuel type unleaded

Litres 1.0
number of cylinders 3
configuration in-line
bore 71.0
stroke 84.0
compression ratio 10.5
turbo No
supercharger No
Maximum power kW 51
Maximum power hp/PS 70
rpm for maximum power 6,000
maximum torque Nm 93
maximum torque lb ft No Data
rpm for maximum torque 3,800

Available Transmissions
1.0 VVT-i T2 (hatchback 3-dr manual)
5-speed manual Standard
Transmission Specifications
5-speed manual
Transmission type manual
number of speeds 5
sports or close ratio No
manual mode - auto only No
Fuel Economy & Emissions
1.0 VVT-i T2 (hatchback 3-dr manual)
standard ECE 99/100
urban (miles per UK gallon) 44
country/highway (miles per UK gallon) 57
combined (miles per UK gallon) 52
urban (l/100km) 6.4
country/highway (l/100km) 4.9
combined (l/100km) 5.4

standard met EU4
CO2 level - g/km combined (high) 127
Fuel Tank
1.0 VVT-i T2 (hatchback 3-dr manual)
capacity (gal) 9.2
capacity (l) 42.0

1.0 VVT-i T2 (hatchback 3-dr manual)
Driven wheels front
four wheel drive type -
Payload & Towing
1.0 VVT-i T2 (hatchback 3-dr manual)
payload allowance (kg) No Data
payload allowance (lbs) No Data
maximum trailer noseweight (kg) No Data
maximum trailer noseweight (lbs) No Data

1.0 VVT-i T2 (hatchback 3-dr manual)
maximum speed (mph) 96
maximum speed (km/h) 155
acceleration 0-62mph (s) 15.7
1.0 VVT-i T2 (hatchback 3-dr manual)
Warranty: Powertrain
duration (months) 36
distance (miles) 60,000

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Honda beat the baby Vario

City sport
The dimension body and the weight was more minor than Vario, so as to be suitable to carry out the manoeuvre.
Honda Beat be easy and was comfortable enough to be driven for them who had the measurement of posture was and
Honda Beat was equipped the CVT machine 4-not 110cc that was environment-friendly and quality Euro II. Motor this was considered to be very frugal.
For consumption 1 litre the petrol, Beat could explore through to 60km, with the constant speed 50 km/the hour.
Skutik newest this AHM had the design of light that gave the impression joined with body, whereas steering cover handled enough styles and sporty.

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Kawasaki Zx 12r Oprek Modifikasi

Kawasaki_Zx_12r_test_bed.jpg (56 KB) Kawasaki_Zx_12r_test_bed_1.jpg (59 KB)
2002 Kawasaki ZX-12RPRICE
Type: l-c inline-four
Valve arrangement: dohc, 16v
Bore x stroke: 83.0 x 55.4mm
Displacement: 1199cc
Compression ratio: 12.2:1
Carburetion Denso electronic fuel injection
Transmission: 6-speed
Final drive: #530 chain
Weight: 547 lb. (wet) 515 lb. (fuel tank empty)
Fuel capacity: 5.3 gal.
Rake/trail: Rake/trail 27.9deg./4.5 in. (114mm)
Wheelbase: 58.8 in.(1493mm)
Seat height: 31.0 in. (780mm)
Front: 36mm inverted cartridge fork adjustable for spring preload, compression and rebound damping
Rear: single shock adjustable for spring preload, compression and rebound damping
Brake, front dual six-piston calipers, 320mm discs
Brake, rear single two-piston caliper, 230mm disc
Tire, front 120/70ZR17, Dunlop D207ZR
Tire, rear 200/50ZR17, Dunlop D207ZR
Corrected 1/4-mile*: 9.87 sec. @ 146.29 mph
0-60 mph: 2.97 sec.
0-100 mph: 5.54 sec.
Top-gear roll-on, 60-80 mph* 3.17 sec.
Fuel mileage (low/high/average): 27/36/31
*Performance with test-session weather conditions corrected to sea-level standard conditions (59 degrees F, 29.92 in. of mercury)

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2008 Yamaha Majesty 400 spesification

Here are spesification of yamaha majesty 2008

Yamaha Majesty Engine
Displacement (cc): 395
Engine Type: Single-Cylinder
Compression Ratio: 10.6:1
Cylinders: 1
Starter: Electric
Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
Yamaha Majesty Capacities
Fuel Capacity (gal): 3.7
Yamaha Majesty Price
MSRP: $5899
Warranty (Months): 12
Yamaha Majesty Tires
Front Tire (Full Spec): 120/80 R14
Rear Tire (Full Spec): 150/70 R13

Yamaha Majesty Front Suspension
Front Suspension Type: Telescopic Fork
Front Suspension Size (in): 1.6
Yamaha Majesty Dimensions
Height (in): 54.3
Wheelbase (in): 61.6
Ground Clearance (in): 4.7
Length (in): 87.8
Width (in): 30.7
Yamaha Majesty Weight
Dry Weight (lbs): 432
Yamaha Majesty Seat Specifications
Seat Height (in): 30
Number Of Seats: 2
Yamaha Majesty Transmission
Primary Drive (Rear Wheel): Belt
Reverse: No
Transmission Type: Continuously Variable (CVT)
Yamaha Majesty Brakes
Front Brake Type: Hydraulic Disc
Rear Brake Type: Hydraulic Disc
Yamaha Majesty Rear Suspension
Rear Suspension Type: Twin Sided Swing Arm

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Yamaha Majesty 2008

New comer In king of the road. here are  Majesty 400 - The king of luxury, king of the city, king of the open road, great it will be the king of 2008 road.Have you heard  limo before,so this is real luxury transport for you, because it is more than big car it is luxury ride, Majesty 400 also offering you the greatest luxury of all, the great taste none ever before. This yamaha majesty oprek improved acceleration and fully automatic transmission from about the 400cc liquid-cooled engine,
Majesty  takes you way beyond the city limits along the world. taste the  manoeuvrability  show you through the ban gridlock and superb functionality, Majesty 400 creates an extra dimension to your life. Plus both engine and chassis are wrapped in a bodywork that offers comfort that some long-distance tourers can’t match, with luxurious seating that includes a passenger backrest as standard. It’s time to change your life, it’s time to get a
get the best High resolution  here

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Gambar Yamaha modifikasi oprek an

There were several pictures of the Yamaha Vixion modification reference that gw for when nungguin the Vixion pivot gw several previous months , the Cara Fiberglass Tutorial and the Yamaha Vixion modification could be seen in the category of the Modification in the menu, enjoy

From the Concept of the Digital Modification to Real yes  iImageHost.orgImageHost.orgt is real

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Honda sonic UK modification

The modifiation of Honda Sonic is a 125 cc motorbike that  was designed for South East Asian market by Honda. hnoda sonic modification  is  the sister motorbike of the European that is power up  13.5 hp CBR 125 honda. sonic sangar belongs to the RS Nova motorbike honda family. The Mdification Sonic is one of the most popular motorbikes in Indonesia. the challenger  is the Suzuki Raider 150, . The sonic is a bridge motorbike between the Honda Wave and the the cooland sangar  CBR 150. they has similarities to both motorbikes, but more closely resemble the CBR 150. Honda Sonic Uk, unlike the Wave is a performance motoImageHost.orgrbike, and is not designed for an average commuter. here a photo

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مسابقة اجمل صوت

نبدأ معكم اجازة الصيف باولى مفاجئتنا وهي مسابقة لاجمل صوت
Nokia 1200 Mobile Phone

اولا : تنبيه
هذا الموقع غير رسمي لاذاعة نجوم اف ام والجوائز والتقييم يتم بشكل منفصل ولا ترتبط بالاذاعة

ثانيا : نظام المسابقة
بتعرف تغني؟
صوتك حلو؟
عاوز توري الناس موهبتك؟ وتعرف راي الناس فيك؟
وكمان تكسب جهاز ام بي ثري؟؟
قدم على
ما ياتي

1- ملف صوتي واحد تعبر به عن موهبتك
2- صورة شخصية ان امكن
3- الاسم الثلاثي
4-رقم الموبايل او التلفون الارضي

الجائزة تسلم بالقاهرة ، ولكن يمكن لاي شخص من اي دولة التقدم للمسابقة
يتم عرض المشاركات على الموقع باستخدام موقع اليوتيوب لسهولة الاستماع والحكم على المتسابقين (هذه الخطوة نقوم نحن بها المطلوب منك فقط الملف الصوتي على البريد الالكتروني) .. مثال
يتم النظر في كل الطلبات وسيتم اختيار افضل 8 اصوات وعمل تصفيات على شكل مباريات زوجية بين متنافسين اثنين فيصفي ال8 على 4 ثم الى 2 تكون على شكل مباراة نهائية
ويتم التصويت من قبل الزوار في الاستفتاءات .. رجاء من كل زائر : لا تعط صوتك الا لمن يستحق

(تغيير جذري في المسابقة : بعد الاطلاع على عدد من المتقدمين للمسابقة اكتشفنا ان مستوى المتقدمين اقرب للاحتراف الغناء من كونهم هواة لذا اولا : تم تغيير الجائزة لتصبح جهاز موبايل بدلا من ام بي ثري
ثانيا : مد فترة التقديم ويمكن ان تقدم للمسابقة الان ولفترة قادمة ايضا اثناء سير المنافسات)
NOKIA 1200 Mobile Phone
جهاز نوكيا 1200 هو الجائزة

عبدالرحمن ابراهيم

عبدالرحمن ابراهيم ... العمر 30 سنه ... البلد المملكة العربية السعودية

تم عمل فيديو للاغنية
لسهولة الاستماع - التقييم للصوت فقط وليس الفيديو
مع بعض الصور للفنانة سلاف فواخرجي

نتيجة التصويت
جميل ..الواد دا حلو سابق سنه

90 (63%)

لا .. صوت مش تمام

51 (36%)

My car

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funniest stylist sedan what is your opinion about this car, is it stylist. ?

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How to drive efficiently

Here are i will give you tips for driving your car efficiently :

1.Drive Sensibly
by driving like this you   can lower your gas mileage by 33 percent at highway speeds and by 5 percent around town. Sensible driving is also safer for you and others, so you may save more than gas money.
Fuel Economy Benefit:
Equivalent Gasoline Savings:

2.Observe the Speed Limit

Graph showing MPG VS speed MPG decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mphWhile each vehicle reaches its optimal fuel economy at a different speed (or range of speeds), gas mileage usually decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mph.

As a rule of thumb, you can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.20 per gallon for gas.

Observing the speed limit is also safer.
Fuel Economy Benefit:
Equivalent Gasoline Savings:

3.Remove Excess Weight

Avoid keeping unnecessary items in your vehicle, especially heavy ones. An extra 100 pounds in your vehicle could reduce your MPG by up to 2%. The reduction is based on the percentage of extra weight relative to the vehicle's weight and affects smaller vehicles more than larger ones.
Fuel Economy Benefit:
1-2%/100 lbs
Equivalent Gasoline Savings:

4.Avoid Excessive Idling

Idling gets 0 miles per gallon. Cars with larger engines typically waste more gas at idle than do cars with smaller engines.

5.Use Cruise Control

Using cruise control on the highway helps you maintain a constant speed and, in most cases, will save gas.

6.Use Overdrive Gears

When you use overdrive gearing, your car's engine speed goes down. This saves gas and reduces engine wear.

Note: Cost savings are based on an assumed fuel price of $3.72/gallon, may be thats all , may it can help you..

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Schedule of FIA press conference in Canada

FIA press conference schedule for Canada

Championship contenders Kimi Raikkonen and Robert Kubica join two other drivers to answer questions on Thursday, while on Friday Renault’s Fernando Alonso and Red Bull’s David Coulthard take to the stage alongside key technical personnel from their teams. The line-up in full…

Thursday June 5, 1100 local time (1500 GMT):
Robert Kubica (BMW Sauber), Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari), Adrian Sutil (Force India) and Sebastian Vettel (Toro Rosso).

Friday June 6, 1600 local time (2000 GMT):
Fernando Alonso (Renault), David Coulthard (Red Bull), Pat Symonds (Renault) and Geoff Willis (Red Bull).

The qualifying and post-race conferences with the top three drivers will take place immediately after the respective sessions.

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Honda Mega pro Green sangar

Honda mega pro green color stylist . new color modification of honda, it is very cool
Here are the spesifications

Spesifikasi New Megapro CW

- Panjang X lebar X tinggi : 2.033 x 754 x 1.062 mm
- Jarak sumbu roda : 1.281 mm
- Jarak terendah ke tanah : 149 mm
- Berat kosong : 114 kg
- Tipe rangka : Pola Berlian
- Tipe suspensi depan : Teleskopik
- Tipe suspensi belakang : Swing Arm with Adjustable Shock
- Ukuran ban depan : 2,75 - 18 - 42P
- Ukuran ban belakang : 3,00 - 18 - 47P
- Rem depan : Tipe cakram hidrolik piston ganda
- Rem belakang : Tromol
- Kapasitas tangki : 12,4 liter (cadangan 2,3 liter)
- Tipe mesin : 4 Langkah OHC, pendinginan udara
Susunan silinder
- Diameter x langkah : 63,5 x 49,5 mm
- Volume langkah : 156,7 cc
- Perbandingan kompresi : 9,0 : 1
- Daya maksimum : 13,8 PS / 8.500 RPM
- Torsi maksimum : 1,3 kgf.m / 6.500 RPM
- Kapasitas pelumas mesin : 0,9 liter pada penggantian periodik
- Kopling : Manual, tipe basah dan pelat majemuk
- Gigi transmsi : 5 kecepatan, bertautan tetap
- Pola pengoperan gigi : 1-N-2-3-4-5
- Starter : Pedal dan elektrik
- Aki : 12 V - 5 Ah
- Busi : ND X 24 EP-U9 / NGK DP8EA-9
- Sistem pengapian : CDI-DC, Baterai
- Jenis rantai mesin : Silent chain
- Konsumsi bahan bakar : 51,4 km / liter pada kecepatan 50

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Honda tiger modification

Honda tiger modification new,This is mega pro modification with honda tiger motor from honda manufacture. the stylist is cool.

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Khaled Mohamed Photoshop works اعمال فوتوشوب

احد المشتركين في : قدم موهبتك للعالم

الاسم :خالد محمد
الشهره : خالد فيرس
المهنه : مصمم جرافيك
السن :21
الايميل :
الدراسه :طالب فى كليه تجاره

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لصاحب العمل ، واي نقل او نسخ لهذه الاعمال يعرض للمساءلة القانونية

نتيجة التصويت
حلو .. الواد دا فنان
502 (78%)
مش قد كدا .. لا
140 (21%)

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